Post by springacres on Feb 15, 2021 20:29:21 GMT -5
Yeah, Merit looks like fox tail and Miw-sher looks to be velvet/floof tail.
Post by Siopilos on Feb 15, 2021 20:30:29 GMT -5
There's a fluffy tail for the boys, I think. I don't remember a fox one but I could miss something. ^^
Post by Rayvin_Kittiy on Feb 15, 2021 20:36:59 GMT -5
Thank you everyone for trying to find out if its templated or not. You can always add a note to you form that if the traits are not templated for teens to skip to the adult stage with an hourglass. That is a very good point retta I didn't think of that thank you. I wonder if I could make a note to just not grow her at all if the traits aren't available.... I think if they aren't I might want her to stay little a bit longer idk...
Post by Mr. Pooka on Feb 15, 2021 20:48:34 GMT -5
Thanks to being able to search for tags... These are both tagged as floofy tail, but I think one of them is fox tail. I think spring is right and the one on the right is probably a fox tail... my expertise in IDing teens and children is not terribly sharp, I've rarely worked with them. (also as a side note, Ariya was usually good for getting her files in but sometimes forgot to update growings so I'm not 100% I've got the templates created by her...) My next big (non art) project after tagging all of smugmug is to make an updated Item description page... then pets... and after that I've got a more lists, including making trait pages for children and teens. (Edited in by Pooka) Lilypad
Post by Cameron on Feb 15, 2021 21:29:16 GMT -5
The tags will be super helpful! For us, but I can imagine especially for you all!
Post by Mr. Pooka on Feb 15, 2021 21:44:04 GMT -5
That's a perfectly fine option Rayvin_Kittiy . Another option that I'd recommend is you can also ask these questions ahead in our FAQ thread and I can check for sure before you get to a form, (-8 (mind you, I still don't know the answer to this one 100%, I'd have to hunt down some files, (-8)
Post by Mr. Pooka on Feb 15, 2021 21:59:24 GMT -5
The tags will be super helpful! For us, but I can imagine especially for you all! I think they add the best stuff we miss about the website plus lots of other options! The site was a bit bad for trying to categorize things that stifled creativity a bit (and I feel bad for some people who kept adding info but just didn't know how to add something I'd invariable do, or something new Pooka would create) It's awesome to find stuff that's out there, or search how certain combos might work for a custom, or peruse the weirdest searches in quest to make the ultimate Frankenstein monster of a Sphinx, (-8 ...also I'm planning to use it for adding some fun setting and RP notes to the search which is also fun! For example I've been labeling all the GP (Golden Paw) and HoD (Hand of Darkness) thieves, which is not listed on the cert. Another test is with a roleplaying group of Pooka and mine, the YSO (Yamsugi Outlaws). If this works out we might add some sort of option (details still in the air) for marking some other large RP groups like an Air/Pirate ship or adventuring party! I'll add lots more details and notes and such when the project is all done, but a good starter note for those not familiar with clicking around Smugmug, I'm mention that when you click a SPhinx, there is a toolbar that appears on the left of your screen. If you click the 'I' (for information) it'll bring up all the tags if your interested or can't id something by appearance. ...also when I'm all done I'll have a thread for anyone to point out mistakes or missing info (It's a lot of info to enter manually, there will be mistakes, (-8) Oooo, also I found an option recently that adds the file name to tags when I add a file which is super handy... (all files are named by the Sphinxes code, so easy searching!) but unfortunately it's not retroactive..
Post by Cameron on Feb 15, 2021 22:22:01 GMT -5
I really do truly like the idea of categorizing groups together! Would definitely be beneficial and help with identifying RP specific groups, though I do wonder if that may become cumbersome with developments?
Post by Operetta on Feb 15, 2021 22:35:07 GMT -5
*imagines a Lamorian Soap Opera tag* XD
Post by springacres on Feb 15, 2021 22:52:24 GMT -5
*imagines a Lamorian Soap Opera tag* XD *imagines an I Hate My Traits tag to go with it*
Post by Mr. Pooka on Feb 15, 2021 23:00:52 GMT -5
I really do truly like the idea of categorizing groups together! Would definitely be beneficial and help with identifying RP specific groups, though I do wonder if that may become cumbersome with developments? That's the exact issue, (-8 and why it needs a bit of thinking still... I could still to events, or have windows of time or, a custom option or item... idk... Fun Idea vs. Work ... I might be able to find the balance, (-8 ("Mr. Pooka could you add all my 68 character's birthdays to my..." "Oh, sorry, err zaaarrk, the internet is breaking up, I'm uh typing through a tunnel... click")
Post by Eiko on Feb 15, 2021 23:20:53 GMT -5
The tagging option will make playing 'Who's That Sphinx?' a much more viable game.
Post by Cameron on Feb 15, 2021 23:38:26 GMT -5
Perhaps tags could also be associated with Sphinxes that participate in certain events? Something trackable via open threads as opposed to personal RP. I.E. Memphis participated in last year dungeon crawl. Basically anyone who participated in an open event gets a tag for that as opposed to keeping track of personal stuff?
Post by Angel_of_Music on Feb 15, 2021 23:55:18 GMT -5
The tagging thing sounds interesting. Can't wait to use it when searching for certain things
Post by Phoenix Stardancer on Feb 16, 2021 10:23:40 GMT -5
*Yawns* Alright. I am now awake. How is everyone?