Post by Mr. Pooka on Jun 7, 2021 15:31:53 GMT -5
One month of gathering all the Anime powers Ranko could had paid off. The constant funneling effect from her gatchapon machine fueled her powers on top of her own gathering tricks! She also knew Nebet was watching her but she had been surprisingly quiet for the last few weeks... No matter, she was sure that her bait would work this time!
Today was the day. Her minions, charmed servants, tricked devotees and more were ready to create a storm of chaos that would fuel the days power grab. Everyone was in place it ready to go... except for her one last powerful trick. She began to work her summoning in the desert hills, just within sight of Ahket. So much gashapon energy flowed through her and she opened a conduit to another world! Through the gate crawled a massive lizard-like monster. It towered over Ranko at a twenty feet and roared a frightening roar while it lashed it's tail around as if angry. Oh yes, this was a dangerous beast, now to see if Nebet was watching...
Nebet had been building her power for weeks. It was fun for a while, sending minions to Ahket to cause as much damage as possible and using her new staff to transform Sphinxes into monsters. Oh it was all good fun, but there always seemed to be a pesky hero in the way looking to stop her attacks! How Annoying! She needed something more effective, something powerful, something big! On this morning she stormed into her viewing room and began to peek around with her spying glass... peaceful streets, new Sphinxes mingling with old holding hands and singing songs and blah blah arrrrrgggg! Curse that city and it's immunity to permanent damage. What did she have to do to make them suffer and pay! Hurrrmmmfff. What was that glint, she thought as she peered just outside the city. That insufferable fox woman was doing something in the hills! She watched with gritted teeth at her rival... no rival gave her too much credit... annoyance. Interesting, she thought as a great monster came through the portal. Curse her! That was a pretty decent looking monster and would probably cause some damage... more than Nebet had been able to do! She stomped her feet... how could she keep getting these great monsters? I NEED a great monster!
Oh wait... she could do this... and get all the credit! HA! Monster poaching it was! This would serve the dual purpose of messing up Ranko's plans AND permanently destroy all of Ahket! OH YES!!! Best of all she would get all the credit! Nebet began to focus all of her new powers into her wand and then hurled it at the already huge lizard!
Make My Monster Grow!!!!
At the southern watchtower an archer on duty was eyeing some sea terns flying down the river... she loved watching the birds, it was one of the best parts of an otherwise boring job. She was not undutiful though and as soon as they passed she scanned the horizon again, just in case. Nothing coming up the river, nothing coming from the desert, one merchant cart riding away from the city and... was that a storm over the hills? This didn't feel like the kind of day for clouds? She kept her eye on the shadow trying to make out what she saw. Her squint turned to wide eyed disbelief and shock! It was a monster. A terrifying monster of unguessable proportions! There was no perspective for her to compare but she was certain it was bigger than the biggest building she had ever seen! ...and it was coming this way. For moments she stared until she shook herself out of shock and rang the alarm! Monster! Monster on the horizon!
Post by Mr. Pooka on Jun 7, 2021 15:31:59 GMT -5
Ahket was full of chaos, if not from the energy then from the lizard so large that it's head was in the sky which was lumbering it's way towards the city. Things looked dark for Khemet. In the middle of this chaos a few chosen sphinxes heard a whisper from an unseen source asking them to gather in the town square within the great park to meet with Mayolin, she may have the answer. When you arrive Mayolin, along with a few of her own allies, waited nervously. When some of the sphinxes she called began to show up she perked right up! "Okay, I know that things look bad, very bad. But, I think that I have a solution to our dire situation." she looked tentative "Over the last couple of weeks I've been trying to figure out how to stop Ranko along with the issues coming from the moon as well." she paused and bit her bottom lip before continuing. "I've been casting divinations, giving visions, pouring through volume after volume of tomes and conferencing with the High Mage over what she knows. It's been difficult, but I think that I figured out what to do!" her tone changed to more hopeful." Mayolin pulled out a map of the city of Ahket. "We have two, maybe three things in Ahket to find. Well, actually more like seven things, but five are... sorry I'll be more clear." she clears her throat to regain her focus. "First, we have the issue of the giant lizard approaching the city. Now, apparently, historically, there are supposed to be guardian cat statues that animate as golems to protect the city. BUT, I think that the energy has made them even more... well... enhanced them. There are five of these golem cats, I don't know where they are but they're supposed to be here. There is a glyph to summon them." She traces out a series of hieroglyphic symbols that don't really spell anything, it nearly seems like graffiti. "If you find this glyph put a finger... erm, front toe atop of it and focus your mind on calling the golem and it should show up." She gives a sideways glance. "Although I'm pretty sure that they're not in their original stone forms any longer, so be warned." "Okay, on to the other big problem." Mayolin gave a serious look. "Now, I can grant wishes myself, but nothing to the degree of the one that Ranko made with those orb artifacts. I've tried to see if we can retrieve those but they seem to have spread randomly around the world. So that's out of the question. BUT, my divinations have shown that there are not one, but TWO wish granters currently in the city who have the ability to grant wishes powerful enough to undo this chaos." Mayolin's tone turns serious. "Yet, be careful, from what I've divined their wishes may not be so straight forward." "This is why I've called upon those of you who I can trust to make the selfless wish to help this world."The witch sphinx points again towards the map. "Now, what we're looking for could be anywhere in Ahket. So I suggest that you put together search teams that you trust and leave no stone unturned in your search for these golems and wishes." She hands out a small book to the leader of each search party. "My sister Windrose wrote up a guide to Ahket, it includes a map and helpful information about many of the key places in the city." "Do your best, we're counting on you!"
Post by Mr. Pooka on Jun 7, 2021 15:32:04 GMT -5
City Search!
The city needs heroes to search for the tools of it's salvation! Chaos runs rampant and imminent peril is stomping it's way to the city's edge... All we need is some Sphinxes to stop the monster, save everyone and put an end to the madness of Ranko's Anime overload!
The Rules
We will be searching Ahket looking for the golem cats and/or the wish givers that Mayolin has foreseen. Along the way you might find items to help or Sphinxes to rescue!
For your very first post in this game, make and RP post with one (or more if you really want) of your Sphinxes in this thread and choose a district you would like to start searching.
Once you've made your intro post, choose and post the name of the place you wish to search in your chosen district. We will add information to the key on the first page of this thread along with what you find there. If someone above you chooses the same place you may guess again. (do not change/delete or edit your previous guess though, please.)
Each area may only be searched once, unless a special rule is provided in it's description.
You may only search areas in the district you choose to start, though you may use one of your search rounds to change districts. Simply make a bold post as your next guess to that effect. (Selene IV is moving from the worker district to the noble district this turn! - for example or something similar)
Everyone may make one guess until we prompt you to be able to make another! (the first couple rounds might go slower as we make sure we can keep up and things are working out!)
Roleplaying posts are strongly encouraged and welcome, but not a requirement (other than the intro), (-8
Post by Mr. Pooka on Jun 7, 2021 15:32:11 GMT -5
Windrose's Guide to Ahket (A work in progress) I, Windrose Moondancer, am a plane shifting, world exploring adventurer. I love experiencing new places, new people and new cities. Travel is my lifeblood! My friend Haia and I spent time in Ahket talking with locals, trying out every inn and tavern as well as exploring every street and alley that we could find. After our adventures in this city I thought it would be helpful to put what we learned in writing to aid others who wish to visit the city of Ahket in Khemet.
Of course with a city as large and populated as Ahket I couldn't include everything we experienced into one book so I have narrowed it down to what I considered either the most important or curious of places that caught my attention. But this book is just my opinion and I urge those who wish to experience the city to learn for themselves and make up their own minds about the listed locales.
Some of the descriptions of places in Ahket were given by others about their experiences which I have logged into this book. My dear friend and traveling companion Haia has also taken notes on a few places in this guidebook as well.
I hope that you enjoy and find this book useful in your visit to Ahket.~ Princess Windrose Moondancer
The City of Ahket
Ahket is an enormous desert city that is nestled where the Mediterranean sea meets the Nile River. The city itself is more then a dynasty old and the locals don't seem to know exactly how ancient the city actually is but it's presumed to be as millennia or even more. Outside the walls time-worn great pyramids and monuments of immense size tower so high that you can view them from the city streets. This metropolis is immense, the largest city in all of Khemet. It has a population of over 25,000, nearly all sphinxes with a few assorted other races such as netjers and raptors. It's the home of the Pharaoh, the ruler of all Khemet, whose palace is located near the middle of the city. The land itself is mostly flat with very little rise to it's streets. The buildings tend to be two story and made of stone, clay or baked mud. To alleviate the immense, dry heat many of the buildings have been designed to have large, open windows and doorways to allow better airflow. The roofs of many buildings have awnings and serve as a shaded resting place outside for many families, especially during highsun when activity seems to halt in the city.
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:37:24 GMT -5
Market District
The crammed and busy Market District is a maze of shops, taverns and other establishments. Awnings hang from walls to shelter from the heat and during the day there is a near cacophony as vendors call out their wares. The open bazaar is even more chaotic and confusing then the streets being that individual sellers will take down and move their stalls or wares to more prime areas of the bazaar when spaces open up. These streets are frequented by the Golden Paw thieves so it's best to keep your eyes on your coin purses while shopping. Gallery: Mineral Museum * (Cameron) Located near the noble district this gallery displays all of the fine jewel, gems, rock and mineral specimens that it's owner Nylah has collated on her journeys and adventures. Of course all of the items on display are for sale... for just the right price. Nylah also runs a geological club called the GSA (Geological Society of Ahket) which has a meeting space in a small building directly next to the gallery. prize: The glittering Nyla seems to be taking care of her museum just fine and is throwing some of her regular, non-valuable rocks at the group of slimes near her shop. You give her a quick hand cleaning the slime from her rocks and in thanks she gives you some of her more discount crystals. win - crystals (I forgot to make my sample, I'll add it later Sio!) - Siopilos Inn/Tavern: the Soldiers Daughter The Soldiers Daughter Inn & Tavern is always busy. The food and drink is always good and the prices are fair. There are rumors that this used to be a front for the Golden Paw who have most likely moved the location of their guild. Its name alone has a dozen different stories attributed to it though none of the staff will ever comment on it other then a sly knowing wink. Its not a rough and tumble sort of place and still takes at least a touch of boldness to cross the threshold into this building as it's reputation sometimes scares away the more timid patrons. The Soldiers Daughter is known not just the good food and company but also as a place where the adventurous can find well.... adventure. Not everyone comes here looking for some crazy adventure though and the place is usually just full of loud friendly people out to chat and socialize. The only people in the city not welcomed inside are the city guard, though they do make their presence know occasionally and meet a cold shoulder. Prize: an adventure seeking sphinx who hears about your search and wants to join you (win a sphinx)! Rayvin_Kittiy MenagerieAnimals of varying sorts can be bought and sold at the menagerie. Although many a sphinx likes to wander through to just gaze and gawk in wonder at the curious foreign animals that frequently pass through. For a rental fee you can display and sell animals in this part of the Market District. prize: a small fennec fox escaped the menagerie. You can't find it's original owner so you decide to take care of the poor lost thing. win - fennec fox Sanguine_Dragon Open Air BazaarThe bazaar of Ahket is sprawling and immense in size taking up a large section in the center of the Market District. The patient and canny shoppers can often find nearly anything they're seeking. With Ahket being a large port and trade city if it's not for sale one day it will most likely show up another. All sorts of wares can be discovered, local and foreign, mundane and magical from high to low prices. The Golden Paw are known to make purses lighter in the bazaar, so keep a careful eye on your coins. prize: As you are searching the bazaar one of the nearby rug stalls seems to have you confused with somebody else and expect you to sweep up and dust the rugs. The person shoves a broom into your paws, but without time to explain yourself you duck away into the busy crowd. win: broom Sanguine_Dragon Shop: Durango's Fix-it shop * (Cameron) A business in the market district near the worker's district. The owner Durango's specialty is in mechanical fixes but his handyman services spans many different mediums including home repairs. He prefers to complete fixes in his shop but is very willing to fix whatever, wherever. prize: there is a 'closed' sign on the shop but you spy a group of putty-like sphinx monsters trying to break in. They seem skittish and are easily chased off. win - 1 AP - Cameron Shop: Early to Rise BakeryA simple bakery that mostly makes all sorts of breads from simple flatbreads and risen round breads. The owner Monifa will create custom orders such as sweetbreads flavoured with imported honey. The shop would be more popular if it wasn't located in the rougher part of the market district. prize: the shop seems okay, but you are given a slice of break for stopping by. win - toast Sanguine_Dragon Shop: Belet's Magical Discounts * (Sanguine Dragon) The wizard sphinx Belet runs a cluttered shop filled with magic and wonders. He's known to buy and sell all sorts of magic to sell used at discount prices. If you're looking for a place to pawn off your recent magical loot from an adventure or are seeking magical items with little coin, this is one of the best shops to frequent in Ahket. prize: sphinx (who just bought a magical umbrella EF3456) Sanguine_Dragon Shop: Cice'Shinae's Swap ShopThis small thrift shop is odd in the fact that it pops up from time to time, nearly literally. At unpredicted times the small, one story building itself appears in an open space in the market, whether between shops, in an empty shop, or even a large area near the bazaar. The owner claims that it's due to a spell she uses to create a small, temporary establishment that she creates when needed. The owner, the djet sphinx 'Cice' who claims to be a 'sphinxified' celestial, is a collector of nearly every sort of quality item and knick-knack, mundane or magical that she places in her thrift shop. Although she does have a good eye for trades and doesn't take in just any discarded item, but seems to have a soft spot for those in need and will sometimes lower her shops standards to give them aid. prize: Looking inside of this shop is dizzying with how many items have been hoarded, although it seems to be mostly items of quality. Slithering by is a feather winged, dark elven djet who looks at you excitedly. "It's you!" she exclaims happily. "A rani sphinx told me that you would be here today, and I was to give you this...' she reaches into her satchel and pulls out an odd looking fruit. "It's called the 'wing wing fruit'. If you eat it you will grow some sort of wings, but will never be able to swim again. So be careful." She thrusts it towards you. "Here, take it!" she smiles happily glad to have given a gift of such power. Prize: Your sphinx (of choice to eat the fruit) grows a random pair of wings BUT, RP wise they can never swim again. Seriously, they seem to lose the ability to act when in the water and can do nothing but sink. - cameron! Shop: Flora's Flowers * (MA) The fragrant scent and blooming colours is a delight to the senses as you enter the shop of the florist Flora. She carefully tends and arranges flowers of all sorts, local and imported. Prize: A small black piglet is outside eating flowers from the shop's window box. You shoo the piglet away and are able to save most of the display. In thanks you are given a flower or two that were uprooted and unsaleable, but would look nice for decoration. win: a small flower item (for the hair, ground, rose in the mouth, or similar, your choice!) Sanguine_Dragon Shop: Herbal RemediesThe heady smell of pungent herbs and sweet incense thickly fills the air of this shop. Herbs of all sorts, from medicinal to culinary can be sought here. The owner, a crio sphinx named Thabit, is sometimes seen with herbs hanging from his long antlers. He boasts that his herbs, due to love and tender care, keeps their properties more fully when dried then other herbalists in Ahket. prize: a local sphinx is outside the shop panicking! You calm them down and they want to stay with you for safety. win - sphinx Cameron Shop: Ink, Papyrus and pens * (Minkey) Large dusty Scrolls line the walls all in order. Not a one out of place. Rows and rows of shelves with plain papyrus tied with simple cords sit waiting to be sold. Pots of wooden brushes sit piled ready for the hair to be added for each order. Along the back wall of the small shop was a long desk and behind that was a small area cleared filled with pillows. This area was used by the store owner to help teach some of the poorer children learn to read and write. The owner Juta has papyrus of all sorts and custom makes her brushes. prize: The closed doorway is being assaulted by a slime. It stops when it sees you and is actually... kinda cute and not so bad. You decide to keep it. win slime Sanguine_Dragon Shop: Nellie's Physics, Philtres and Potions * (Hotaru) This curious shop is owned by Nellie, a lovely sphinx who settled in Ahket after arriving on one of the STEAM ships. It's filled with bubbling beakers and smoking censors of all sorts. She's a brilliant sphinx who not only is an expert chemist but has a knack for making potions for nearly any ailment or need. no prize: Nellie's shop seems to be safe enough, although there are a few explosion smudges on the exterior wall. Shop: Satiah's Shop Originally a little hole in the wall shop selling marriage statues and a small handful of essentials, Satiah's Shop has grown into a massive emporium. Of the years, neighboring shops have been purchased and the basement and upper two levels have all be repurposed for various product and commodity extensions! From jewelry to Pets to Job Uniforms to Magical potions... if it 's for sale in Ahket you can probably find it at Satiah's! While the rooms are a bit mismatched and the products are widely varied, one uniform of her sprawling shop is quality and care. Sphinxes who entered know that what they buy there is the best quality available! During major holidays and events Satiah also rents or loans out some of her rooms to reputable friends or associates, bringing further diversity to her shop's offerings. In the past there had been a piercer, a hairdresser, a cat seller and much much more. While many Sphinxes worked for Satiah outside of the shop gathering stock, she still seems to be able to run her whole business by herself! prize: Satiah looks a little frazzled after some sort of anime-ish problem she just faced. She's stopping for a drink to settle her nerves and doesn't want to talk about what happened. She invites you to have some of the new foreign sake she just started to supply in her shop. win - sake set Cameron Shop: Tati's Fine Jewelry * (MA) Located beside Flora's Flowers this fine jewelry store is owned by Tatiana (Tati to her friends). The interior sparkles with gold, silver and platinum jewelry along with gemstones of all sorts. Perusing her wares shows her skill and dedication to her craft. prize: Kezzer is hanging out looking to purchase more piercings for his magic. He gives you something to help fight if you run into chaos in your search win: whip Rayvin_Kittiy Spa: Sun Spa and Baths * (Minkey) In the center of town Very close to the park a large white building stands. The sign above the entrance says "The Sun Spa and Baths" and for the ones not able to read their are pictograph on the columns framing the door way. The beautician who owns the spa, Heidi, offers many services including massages, aroma therapy, manicures and baths. There is a free wig cleaning service to any who use the facility. Prize: a wig certificate (Heidi stops you to have your hair restyled.... it was becoming a mess from this search!) Siopilos Stall: Dennu's Famous Kissing Booth * (Aholland) This is a Pop up affair that the sphinx Dennu up anywhere they let him. Unfortunately he may or may not have been thrown out of a few choice places but currently he can be found in the Bazaar with his cute little bottle of lip care ready to make sure all ladies, gentlemen, other, are able to seek him out. It's said that he is looking for a few alternate costumes for more attention. Nellie, the owner of Physics, Philtres and Potions, often gives Dennu a place outside of her shop to set up his stall. no prize: There is a line up for the kissing booth of both genders. (I'm pretty sure that you could win a kiss from Dennu. ) -Sanguine_Dragon Tavern: Blue Jackal Located in the more run down area of the Market District this tavern has a reputation for having rougher customers. Although, for it's reputation the tavern has a adventurous air about it. A mixed theme of items adorn it's walls, mostly likely trophies from varying adventures. Many of it's patrons are rapscallions and ner'do'wells and it's not uncommon to spy a known Golden Paw member frequenting it's taproom. Although it has a nice, thick beer as many of the taverns in Ahket, this one boasts having a vast, and curious selection of alcohols, although rarely more then a bottle or two from the same label. It could be said that the Jackal has the widest collection of alcohol in Ahket. Prize: Oh dear, the Blue Jackal seems to be rather packed... with Golden Paw! You even spy their leader and it seems to be some sort of gang meeting. Hopefully you have a GP friend who can vouch for you, or find a way to talk yourself out of this, before you cause too much of a stir. Either show a GP sphinx you own (including sukeban/bosozoku), or make a d20 roll of 15+ (where you get a GP, sukeban or bosozoku upgrade (your choice)). If you cannot do either you miss a turn. If you succeed at one of these you gain a Golden Paw thief upgrade. - Siopilos (round one! -- and Sio wins the upgrade! (-8) Tavern: Nefer Nefer Ta A bright pink ribbon adorns the doorway to this 'tavern' The hostesses, wearing maid outfits, brightly greet customers as they enter referring to them as 'Master' or 'Mistress'. It's a bright and cheery establishment where the waitresses bring you food with adorable drawings and pull you into cute chants and games. Song and dance performances by the maids occur frequently through the day and night. prize: One of the maids screams as a small group of strange, small, round, black and fluffy creatures run out of the shop with a pudding. You easily nab it up from them. The maids don't want it now, so you can keep it. win - pudding aholland Warden's Garage You found the last mecha cat!! You win 3 AP and the opportunity to play in the mecha cat fight! - Rayvn_Kittiy As the fifth 'golem' cat was found the group of them fully activated! Tails started to twitch, eyes began to glow as they raised their masive heads to give a mighty roar. A compartment opened on the side of the immense mecha cat to climb in. With another roar the cats took off! Flying and running they began to make their way towards the gigantic lizard lumbering towards Ahket. (Your sphinx is now in the mecha cat fight, but you can continue searching with any other sphinx. More information about the fight will come.)
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:37:49 GMT -5
Noble QuarterThis rich district where the wealthy reside is walled in and heavily guarded for the safety of the upper class. Being within view of the Palace walls themselves and just north of the Great Park it's a prestigious place to live. This district is filled with many a gated in villa or mansion, often with their own private gardens, servant and/or guest houses and stables. The streets are heavily guarded so it's elite residents can rest safe and secure Although recently the nobles have not been resting as well since rumour has it that a catburgler La Espina has been breaking into homes , stealing gold and jewelry from the well-to-do (typically those with a haughty air), and spreading it out among the poor in the slums. The guard have offered a handsome reward for the sphinx who can turn her in alive. Amass' Estate * (Wolfrysk) Located within the southern portion of the western side of the Noble District stands the estate of the Royal Guard Amass, his seven wives, and his ever increasing brood of children. It is impressive estate with one main large building and nine smaller buildings around it that allow each wife to have a space to call and make her own, something Amass claims is instrumental to each of his marriages having success. There are high walls around the estate with one noticeable entrance and exit in the form of a large gate. In the courtyard area that serves as the center path is a small oasis that is carefully tended to by the family for their pleasure. no prize: the guards of the noble quarter seem to have this place well protected. -Siopilos Artist: Bakaa's DesginsThe eccentric sphinx Bakaa in undeniably the best Khemetic artist in Ahket, possibly all of Khemet! Temples, tombs, homes, shops and even the Palace itself have been blessed by his work. Not only does he create some of the most beautiful, and innovative yet still traditional, wall paintings but scribes and draws his own papyrus images as well. It's difficult to hire him since he only takes recommendations from previous preferred clients over direct contact with an unknown sphinx. prize: Bakaa has been working on trying his paw out at some new kimono silk painting. After you help him close up the shop quickly and save some of his beloved art he gives you one of the kimonos that he found to be too 'average' for his skills. He must have some very high standards because the kimono is lovely. win - kimono (for male or female, just the female one is shown) Siopilos Clinic: The Sheltering Wing * (Wolfrysk) Located in the southern portion of the eastern side of the Noble District you will find the Sheltering Wing. Run by the physician Rajan, the Sheltering Wing is a suspiciously successful business and perhaps not all is what it seems within the clean and polished walls. Rumour has it among the more shady individuals that if you discreetly need a clinic Rajan is the sphinx to see. prize: the clinic is busy is busy taking in sphinxes wounded during the chaos. After checking around the outside of the building, just in case, you find a roll of papyrus that seems to have been dropped. After reading it you realize it's kind of scary. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep this, whether to use it, or just to keep it from another less savoury sphinx getting their paws on it. win - HoD contract. Siopilos Inn/Tavern: The Desert Flower A high class Inn and Tavern the Desert Flower boasts the most comfortable beds and the best dining. What they don't mention is that they're the most expensive in Ahket but well worth it if you have the coin. It's the most popular place to stay in Ahket by the richer visitors and is appropriately located in the Noble's Quarter. Recently they have started to utilize a brilliant type of mattresses created from far south of Khemet... water beds! They are made by tightly bound goat hides filled with water which gives a curious, but comfortable, rest. The owner, Semempses (a hirocosphinx) has a knack for remembering patrons' names and making them feel pampered... even with his haughty demeanor. prize: You meet the son of a rich Hanashiman visiting the city who wants to help out and they join you in your search. Siopilos Jarji's Home * (MA) prize: a Netjer trying to hide from the chaos! (win a netjer) Sanguine_Dragon Kirah's Estate (overlooking park) * (MA) prize: As you approach this mansion there is the sound of electrical 'zarks' and firey 'fooms'. A group of strange putty like creatures rush out of the gates terrified! They barrel you over in their rush. In apologies for your being trampled the owner of the estate gives you a little clockwork gift. win watch melodysangel Monument: the Statue of KhonsuLocated in one of the smaller parks of the Noble District is a 15' tall statue of Khonsu the moon deity. He stands tall in his hawk headed humanoid form, staff of was in hand and a large moon disk upon his head. On nights of the full moon the disk glows and lights up the small park with it's silvery glow. Nobody knows who had the statue built in this district or how long ago is lost to history. It's a prime location for another mansion or villa but none will dare remove the statue due to not wishing to attract the ire of the moon deity himself. Prize: The base of the statue of Khonsu is covered in hieroglyphics, some so old that they're unstranslateable. You find among the carved writings one of the glyphs you're looking for! After using it the moon briefly appears and from it flies down a mecha cat! 3 AP, and you get to play in the mecha cat fight when it happens. - MA Moondancer Mansion The walled Moondancer home shelters in the main mansion along with a handful of smaller buildings for their large and extended family. The main house boasts many rooms and is said to contain even more through pocket dimensions .The large garden is filled with (cat friendly)flowers and fruit trees of all sorts where cats, feathercats and butterfly cats lounge and roam. Rather then torches at night the grounds are delicately lit by colourful, soft glowing lights which are obviously magical in nature. If the dark elven Moondancer sphinxes are known for anything it's their rambunctious parties and celebrations... often involving dancing around a designated bonfire area. Many of the females from this large family have a reputation for being wild, but at the same time are known for their kindness and generosity. The Matron Mother of the Moondancers, Mi'ri'lil, is a powerful magic user and rumored to be the right hand of a foreign musical deity. Prize: You arrive to find quite the scene! Just outside of the gates of the mansion is a horrific, 10' tall tentacle monster! Behind the gates are some of the Moondancer girls debating if they should kill it, or keep it and redeem it for 'fun'. An acid oozing tentacle hits one of the girls and sizzles her skin... then they make a unanimous decision to kill it. The gate opens as they summon/draw swords, cast spells and start using magical music the girls call out to you to lend a paw in the fight! The monster is quickly dispatched and with hugs they thank you for helping out (even if you stayed to the side) and offer you a reward. Obviously they don't seem to comprehend the value of money. Win - treasure pile melodysangel Nebt's Estate * (MA) prize: you come face to face with a tentacle monster that the city watch are making short work of. 1 AP melodysangel Neti's Home * (Sanguine) no prize: A large, creepy, salivating demon approaches you and you need to get out of there. (if this doesn't suit your sphinx it's a tactical retreat.) Siopilos Pharoah's PalaceThe walled in Palace of the Pharaoh Adjo stands high with white walls and elaborate golden and lapis lazuli embellishments. It's not only inhabited by the Pharaoh himself but his most prized advisors important courtiers, honored guests and high mage. Only the lucky few who have been able to view it have raved about his large private garden filled with flourishing trees and flora from all over Khemet, as well as from father lands. Previous Pharaohs have even sent out expeditions to find some of the most fragrant of, or delicious fruit growing, trees from other countries to be proudly grown in this garden. Even more spectacular is the Pharaoh's stables of fine horses. It's well known that the current Pharaoh treasures his horses and not only collects the fastest and most handsome of horses but also acquires equines from other lands to add to breeding stock or keep as prizes. Within the main walls is another small compound for the Pharaoh's royal wives who have their own mansion and grounds so they have have privacy and respite from the daily bustle of palace life. prize: The gates to the palace are closed and protected. As you approach though, thinking of asking if there is a cat golem or even a way to grant a wish in the palace you turn to hear the sounds of something approaching. Coming around the corner is an overly large sphinx with muscles unnaturally bulging. The guards quickly take you behind the gates and one of them hands you one of the newer Hanashiman weapons to help protect yourself, or aid them in the fight. They are quickly able to frighten away the hulking sphinx and let you keep the naginata for protection. They assure you that the high mage has already searched the palace for what they've been looking for and hasn't been able to find anything yet. win - naginata - melodysangel School: Nathifa's School for Splendid CubsA small and exclusive school owned and run by the aged sphinx Nathifa has a high success rate of turning cubs into fine nobles. This school is only for the wealthiest of sphinxes since it's reputation is as high as it's costs. Nathifa employs only the most educated of tutors of literacy, math, diplomacy and etiquette. Recently she has felt threatened by the sudden arrival of the Yama Sugi Golden Schools located not too far from the city. The rival school not only offers a wider array of tutors but awards 'scholarships' to lower class sphinxes with 'potential'. Nathifa can't imagine any lower class sphinx having any potential which is where her narrow mindedness may eventually cause the downfall of her school. prize: You get there just in time to warn the school, and it's attending cubs, about a transformed paintbrush. The teachers usher you and the cubs into a secret safe cellar as the chortling, sphinxified paintbrush looks through the school... but it eventually leaves. In thanks Nathifa gives you a present, one of the new Hanashima fans. win - fan melodysangel Shop: Ini'jhanala's Designer BoutiqueNew to Ahket the Moondancer designer Ini'jhanala (or 'Ini' as she prefers to be called) has fine and unpatrolled skill with thread and needle. She not only boasts the highest quality and fashionable clothing in Ahket, possibly Khemet itself, but also has an eye for foreign design. If there is a style of clothing beyound her skill it's yet to be discovered. With a snip here and a stitch there and the invaluable aid of her consort Chiko, she makes sure that every customer is dressed to their best! Her prices change by quality and cost of materials but she tries her best to keep her prices varied so sphinxes of lesser means can approach her to find a new style. She has a close relationship with 'Popular, her mother Talalara's refashoning business, and often supplies the clothing for her customers. There is rumour that Ini is able to near instantly transfer magic from one item to another to better compliment a sphinx's style and outfit. prize: The door to the boutique bursts open as a group of spooky skeletons, with torn bits of clothing hanging on their bones, come running out. At first you nearly panic thinking that they're coming right for you until you notice that they scatter, seemingly fleeing in fear. Behind them Ini charges out in a rage chasing the skeletons with a shide prayer stick. "Don't you dare come back here!!" she screams at the skeletons as she is hot on their skeletal heels while they rush through the streets. At your feet some of the fancy ribbons from the ruined clothing fell. You may as well pick them up. win - leg and tail ribbons melodysangel Shop: 'Popular' - Talalara's Refashioning BoutiquePopular is one part boutique, one part jewelry shop, one part beautician care center, one part bar, one part piercing shop, one part fetish shop, one part party spot and one part showroom... that's a lot of parts... and there's probably more parts. Known for her makeovers, Popular is the place to go if you need that something something... even if you don't know what that something is before you arrive! While everything about the place screams chaos, it is also very welcoming and comfortable and Sphinxes usually leave changed, often on the outside, but sometimes on the inside as well! This was a place of fashion, beauty and personal awaking! ...and Talalara was the maestro of self improvement and change! ...a diva you could peel your layers and find your inner you and let them out to shine! Oh, she also had some of the cucumber water, but nobody really likes that stuff. It just felt like a requirement. prize: This shop has a 'closed' sign in the window. Searching around the building, just in case, you come across a broken instrument in the trash. But, you know, it would be easily fixable. You wonder why it was tossed out in the first place. win - violin - melodysangel Shop: The Tenth Ring - Magic ShopThis tall, spire like building is the shop of the quiet wizardess sphinx Naa. It's spiraling interior is filled with shelves and display cases of a plethora of new magical items and Naa offers custom made magic for a certain price. The costs of her wares are rather expensive and if you are looking for discount, but not as custom tailored, magic then Naa's it would be best to peruse Belet's Magical Discounts in the Market district. Mentioning such a thing within earshot of Naa is enough to get a sphinx magically ejected from her shop and banned from her wares forever. The shop itself is named after a set of magical rings Naa spent her time hunting down which grow in power with the more you wear. After finding the tenth ring Naa retired to Ahket to open up her shop. Nobody really knows what exactly her rings do but it has been noted that she never seems to age past her prime. Next to the High Mage TaRepy who only creates magic for the Pharaoh, Naa is possibly the most talented magic item creator in Ahket. She has recently made a deal with Ini'jhalana's Boutique to have magic from items moved from one item to another for a percentage of the payment received. prize: You turn the corner near the magic shop to see a group of Nebet's undead who seem to recognize you as one of the sphinxes searching town. Nervously you rush back and duck into Naa's shop. Being helpful she plops a fancy hat onto your head which changes your appearance. The undead look through the doorway right at you, don't recognize you, and walk away. "Well that was close." chimes in Naa. "You can keep that hat by the way, you may need it." win - fancy hat melodysangel
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:38:13 GMT -5
Temple DistrictWith it's many immense temples this district can seem either uplifting or imposing to those who visit it. The temples dominate the streets and skyline with the scent of incense and sound of chanting frequently spreading to the roadsides. Beyound the temples are shops creating and selling varying religious wares. Many of the homes are filled with faithful to help who help or work at the temples who are not clergy, or the families of the priests and priestesses who spend most of their time at the temples. Empty lot (former temple of Set)Where once the wicked, evil, blood sacrificing temple of Set stood is now a barren site where the building was demolished years ago. The current Pharaoh could not abide the vile practices of the priests and had it disbanded and taken down once more of their very illegal and murderous practices came into light. A shop that sells religious icons was temporarily built on this spot but it met with such ill fortune that it wasn't long before the owner was found dead (in the most horrible of ways) and his shop was demolished as well. Nobody dares build on this lot and there are talks among the clergy of other temples about attempting an elaborate and difficult ritual to purify the land. Prize: no prize. Not even Ranko's or Nebet's minions want anything to do with this cursed place.... springacres Inn/Tavern: Pilgrim's RestAn inn that caters to sphinxes who have travelled to Ahket to attend one of it's splendid temples. This sprawling Inn encompasses a series of buildings and has rooms of such variance that sphinxes of nearly any means can find a room (or the common room) within their price range. The tavern is similar in the fact that it is wide with many booths to secret away and has a wide variance of price so it can accommodate the faithful of varying means. From the simplest of flatbreads to the fanciest of dates and creams patrons can dine and drink without fear of spending a coin too much. The tavern is set with many side rooms for those who are wealthier in an attempt to keep the poorer sphinxes from being too envious. The tavern is decorated with varying images of goodly deities. The proprietress sphinx Ana is eclectic in her worship and follows many of the more goodly deities. She oddly wears a plethora of pendants of different deities at the same time. She is getting on in years but aging beautifully. Prize: A cow nether has been stuck here since everything started. While the street seems clear at the moment, she would really appreciate if you could escort her back to the Temple of Hathor. If you choose to skip your next turn to escort the Cow Netjer back to the Temple she'd be very grateful! (you may skip a turn and win NF552) springacres Observatory (dedicated to Nut) * (Jeanstarwind) The observatory is a recent addition to the Temple District. A priestess of Nut (the night/sky goddess) acquired what she calls 'a telescope' from the sphinxes of STEAM and put nearly all of her coin towards purchasing a small empty building in the district. Like many buildings in Ahket the rooftop is open to the sky and nightly the feather winged and starry pelted priestess Starwind can be spied on the rooftop gazing through a tube and taking notes on papyrus. Starwind is trying to increase the worshippers of Nut by showing them the marvels of her deity through her 'magical' viewing telescope. It has not yet been officially blessed as a temple itself but the priestess if hoping that she may soon be able to dedicate it fully to the night goddess. Prize: No prize. This place is much more busy than expected. Several city guard, including Magicians were all over this place. It seemed that they were trying to harness the power of the observatory to try and keep tabs Nebet. You overhear one of the Magicians call to the current person stationed at the 'telescope' and asked what they saw. "uhm, well, it seems like the target is laughing ma'am. Like really really laughing, perhaps manically, if I had to categorize it..." This didn't seem to entertain any of the guard... Phoenix Stardancer Shop: For the Faithful When first walking into this shop you come face to face with a plethora of religious icons. Shelves and cases are stacked with religious icons of all sorts. Small shrine statues, holy symbol necklaces, candles engraved with hieroglyphs, offering incenses, censors and nearly anything you can think of that you would need to worship one of the many deities is found here. The owner Horsi'hiset is a magician and the son of a priestess of Isis. When the former shop owner retired he bought up the business and now runs it. He's happy to help with finding nearly any religious icon, but balks at the idea of allowing symbols of the more evil deities. He does also offer magical items to do with the deities of the less powerful variety. It's said that his candles get the gods to pay more attention to your prayers when lit. Prizes: Some invisible spirit was wreaking havoc in this shop, knocking holy relics to the ground, smashing statues and tearing scrolls! A pair of terrified schoolgirls who were just looking to buy some local charms fled inside and hid... very shortly after that a pair of brightly coloured Magic Girls appeared on the roof top and challenged the spirit! With a call of "Bright Beam of Summer, Reveal the Hidden" one of the girls caused a bright corona which in turn revealed the spirit fox below. "Winter Storm Freezing Ice Blast of the Blizzard Queen stop my enemy!" called the other girl and a burst of snow coated the shop and street in frost. It also trapped the spirit win an icy prison. "Sunburn Laser!" called the other Magic Girl as she clamped her hands together and pointed her two forefingers at the trapped spirit, aiming a scorching beam at the fox. The brightness blinded you for a moment but when you could see again, the fox was gone! The two girls jumped up and down excitedly and gave each other high fives! "Is this kind of stuff happening all over?" one asked you? "We could help if you'd like!" said the other... it didn't seem like they were really asking as they leapt to your side. Their enthusiasm was inspiring! Two Sphinxes Phoenix Stardancer Shop: Lotus the Hanashiman Scribe * (MA) The lovely Hanashiman sphinx Lotus runs her business near the Temple of Thoth. After the temple noticed that they required a sphinx fluent in both Hanashiman and Khemetic writing they were happy to find Lotus and aid her in acquiring a small shop near the temple itself. Lotus is said to be fluent in the writing of many languages and with the recent arrival of so many Hanashiman sphinxes to Ahket her skills are much in demand. Prize: a dutiful but nervous peasant was waiting to get a message translated, trying to keep out of sight. Just as you arive, a great beam of pale light crashes down from the sky creating a curiously circular burn mark on the road, just steps from the peasant... maybe he'd come back later... or follow you! a Sphinx springacres Temple of Anubis The temple of Anubis is one of the larger temples in Ahket. Shaped like a pyramid inside the Temple of Anubis is the heady scent of incense and embalming spices. The main temple cathedral is open and ominous, footsteps echo as one walks. A large golden and obsidian statue of the jackal headed god stands tall at the end of the temple. Images of heart weighing, Amut eating souls, Anubis escorting the dead along with varying other depictions of Anubis's portfolio decorate the walls. Embalming the deceased is yet another service that the temple offers as it's the sacred duty of it's clergy to preserve the dead. They hire embalmers of all sorts to perform these duties but the blessings and 'opening of the mouth' ceremony are done by the priests themselves. Sphinx mummies are known to become lay priests and followers who work at the temple giving aid to the priests and often doing the embalming duties. The high priest Iry seems stern but is kind and knows how to properly comfort the grieving with stories of Yaaru (the heaven in the Duat) and finding good qualities of the deceased in hopes of allieving fears that their dearly departed's heart may have been too heavy. Prize: An earth kineticist from Hanashima was in the process of make a deal with the priests of this Temple to help build some secret tombs when the whole building shook with strange energies. Some sort of magical event was trying to open a portal to the underworld hidden deep in the Temple... This had happened before though and the priests had the proper rituals ready to go, keeping the portal shut and cutting off the mysterious energy. While he was still happy to help with the Tombs in the future, this wasn't his sort of magic and he felt that he could be better use elsewhere in the city during this chaos. springacres Temple of Bastet This temple is the largest and most beautiful temple in Ahket. It has a walled in courtyard, the gates open for the public to reveal cats... lots and lots of cats. The architect who build this temple must have been blessed by the gods since it's beauty could nearly provoke tears of joy. The corners are decorated by pillars shaped like Bastet in her humanoid form that seem to hold aloft the room while the walls are decorated with a plethora of cat carvings. The scent of heady incense is the first thing to hit your senses when you enter the temple to the cat goddess Bastet. Large, decorated pillars line the main room stretching to the ceiling high above which is also elaborately painted with hieroglyphic images of Bastet with many cats. On pillows around the temple cats of varying types lounge about, some scamper and play chasing the myriad of cat toys that litter the floor. Golden bowls filled to the brim with the choicest treats are laid out for them. In the middle of the expansive temple room is an indoor fountain painted with images of cats, but instead of water it is magically enchanted to spray forth fresh cream from the mouths of bas relief cat heads. At the back of the main temple cathedral stands a gigantic golden statue of Bastet herself in her human bodied and cat headed form. The many light sconces and lamp lights nearly dance their radiance upon her. One of the larger side rooms to the back and left of the main temple is dedicated towards Bastet in her warrior aspect who fights serpents and minions of Set. This room hosts a plethora of fighting dummies, weapons (both real and fake for practice) and a large sand filled ring which the warrior priestesses practice their sparring nearly daily. The gardens within the gates surrounding the temple are a delight to the senses. Fragrant, beautiful (and cat friendly) flora grows along with tall myyrh trees. The pathways wind between the lovely garden occasionally decorated with statues of cats of Bastet herself. The high priestesses of the temple... the high priestess Selene the IV (always remember to add her subtitle or she will be angered) and the high warrior priestess Sahret. These two are often at odds and seem to be strained friends or possibly 'frenemies'. But they work together to try and keep the harmony of the temple, even after Selene IV's frequent quips about how she views the warrior priestesses as 'lesser status' which infuriates Sahret. Selene IV has a magical closet that leads to a pocket dimension. She is greatly known for 'capturing' (willing) attractive males to be sent into her closet to be pampered and well taken care of... until she sells them at bachelor auctions. The annual Heb-Bastet is the largest celebration of Ahket. It is during this time that the temple accepts new priestesses after they succeed trials to prove that they are worthy of Bastet. Prize: Between the magical priestess and the warrior priestess this place seemed extremely well covered. It was days like this that would make it hard to believe that Selene IV and Sahret ever argue as they have coordinated a perfect defence and even sent other priestess out into the city to assist others. Even the odd spirit that passed by was usually zapped with a proton beam and locked into a ghost jar by some of Selene IV's personal guard. Triggers a game! Fine Priestess Trials! Fine Priestess Trial! The first person who posts an image of a female Egyptian Sphinx you own along with TEN different pictures of cats in the same post, in this thread will have that Sphinx promoted to a Priestess of Bastet! (I figure this contest favors players who already have a lot of cats in their image hoster/folders, which seems right, (-8) Congratulations Bentres! (Phoenix Stardancer) Temple - Shrines to Other Khemetic DeitiesThis three story building has many balconies, each wall lined with small shrines to the large plethora of deities across Khemet. The shrines to the more popular gods are larger and more opulent with gold and lapis lazuli while those of the lesser known ones are often simple with a carved figure and an offering bowl. Often there is a sphinx or two giving their homage to a patron deity which makes the temple constantly carry the heady scent of incense. No particular priest or priestess runs this temple but it is maintained by clergy of the different temples along with volunteers and priests of lesser known gods who don't have their own places of worship. Prize: This place has seen it's share of odd events but seems calm now. A commoner in a lovely kimono has been hiding out here, afraid her fox tail might seem to incriminate her during the foxy madness. She'd trust you to help her out though! Phoenix Stardancer Temple of Hathor This many pillared temple depicts Hathor in her humanoid cow, human headed cow eared and full cow forms. The tops of the pillars are carved and brightly painted into her human headed likeness. The courtyard around the temple is rather large and shaded by many sycamore trees which are sacred to Hathor. The interior is brightly painted and uplifting in it's presence. Guests often will stop to marvel at the beautiful pillared antechamber before ascending the stairs into the cathedral. In the center of the cathedral is a large golden statue of Hathor in her cow headed form while the corners have smaller statues of golden cows that have large incense braziers before them which are nearly constantly burning. The cathedral is frequently filled with priestesses shaking their sistrums and menats, dancing and singing their praises to the goddess of dance, music and motherhood. Located in a back room of the temple is the Birthing Chamber of Bes. The exterior is decorated with statues and carvings of the dwarf god of children and humour, the interior is painted with joyful images of Bes and Taweret. It's a comfortable room with nearly every item needed for child delivery at the ready from herbs, incenses, and offerings to magical birthing wands and tools. The back of the courtyard hosts a small stable with a few sacred cows who are milked daily and are said to produce a considerable amount of milk. With the recent discovery of the city of Meret there have been more cow netjers in Ahket then seen before who are considered to be beloved by Hathor since they naturally have her form. The clergy of Hathor has recently grown due to the influx of the cow netjer from Merit. The sphinx high priestess Ma has recently been saving her coin in an attempt to pay for a magical portal to be created from the temple of Hathor to Merit. She has heard word of a local sphinx capable of creating such magic and is hoping to hire her for the job. Prize: A wolf Samurai from Hanashima had been visiting this Temple, simply out of wide eyed curiosity as a part of his city tour. When the troubles started, he remained at the Temple, helping the priestess guard the holy place from attack. While nothing had happened in an while, one of the priestess convinced him that he may be able to do more good if he travelled with you! Phoenix Stardancer Temple of IsisAbove the entranceway to this lovely temple is a carving of Isis with her wings spread wide as if welcoming those crossing the threshold. The interior of the temple is magical... literally. The temple seems to be lit from an unseen source, the music from unseen instruments dances upon the air and the many images of Isis feel nearly alive. The pillars are brightly decorated with blue and golden paints depicting large flowers holding aloft the ceiling. There is an overall, palpable feeling of goodness that surrounds those who enter it's halls. At the back of the chapel is a twenty foot golden statue of Isis, her wings folded, holding an ankh in her hand. She is depicted in her humanoid form where offerings of myrrh incense burns nearly constantly at the foot of the statue. It's said that weddings performed before this statue are happy and enduring. Once a year, on Isis's birthday during the season of sowing, the temple carries a blessed statue of Isis to the nearby fields to bless them with fertility. The high priestess Khar is said to also be a wielder of arcane magic, befitting a cleric of the goddess with magic in her portfolio. Prize: A well trained Umbrella Male was just preparing to leave the Temple of Isis. He was on a mission from the Kaburenjo to trade some makeup from his homeland for a particular magic trinket for his employer. If you could escort him back to his part of town he would be very grateful! If you skip your next turn, you win the Umbrella Guy! - Phoenix Stardancer escorted Umbrella Guy home! Temple of OsirisThis towering temple is a great work of architecture. Inside immense pillars hold the ceiling aloft. Wide open windows shine sun down upon a vast plethora of varying plants and greenery. The walls are carved and painted with bright images of tall growing plants and bountiful harvests along with immensely high images of Osiris watching protectively over the fields. A large statue of Osiris stands in the center of the temple and is made of a curious green stone. Surrounding it is a garden that seems to be kept lush and alive all days of the year. A side room is dedicated to prayers for the dearly departed in the afterlife in hopes that Osiris will protect them. It's also visited by those who have returned from the underworld giving thanks to Osiris for his care while they were there. The priests sometimes sell the very coveted resurrection scrolls but ask for a hefty donation in return to appease Osiris from letting one of those in his care return to the land of the living. The high priest, the green pelted mummy sphinx Har'mena likes to regale those about his time in the underworld before his being returned to unlife by his wife with a scroll. He loves the similarity to Osiris being returned by Isis. It's believed that he is truly favored by Osiris. Prize: You encounter a peasant who is just leaving the Temple. He wanted to make a deal to become a mummy when he passes, and with all the chaos in the city you just never know... but the priests do not usually make future plans of this type, but they did still give him a set of bandages which could be used in the future if the need arises... a Sphinx and bandages and springacres Temple of Thoth The temple of the god of wisdom and writing could nearly contend with the other large temples in size. Although it's not a cavernous, empty temple since it hosts a rather large library of (both mundane and magical writing) and scribing school for the priests and acolytes of Thoth. The main chapel itself is simple and straightforward in design but decorated with hieroglyphic pictures with magical symbols and writing that many would find inspiring. That statue of Thoth at the rear of the temple stands 10' tall and shows him holding an ankh in one hand and the staff of was in the other. Offerings laid about his feet not only include incense but scrolls with varying writings and script for or about Thoth hoping that the deity will add them to his great library. The library of Thoth is mostly for the clergy but others may be permitted to peruse it's shelves for a donation (only the priests may borrow the scrolls or books though). It's rather large in size with rows upon rows of shelves heavy with scrolls and tomes. The magic and scribing school is located within this temple and takes only a few students at a time, but they turn out some of the best magicians and scribes in Ahket. There are always scribes in employ of the temple and any priest of Thoth is literate and a scribe in their own right. The courtyard has statuary of ibis and baboons and small monument needles with hieroglyphs with sayings of wisdom carved into their surface. There is a lovely tended pond that hosts a flock of ibis along with an open air lounge for moon viewing. It's said that the ibis headed Tsekani is the sphinx you want to seek for advice on nearly any sort of questions about magic or manuscripture. Prize: One of the Temple priests asks if you could walk a local peasant home safely... he got stuck here while dropping off a book on loan. a Sphinx springacres Temple: Yuletide Square Once an old storehouse this temple is now a hotbed of activity every Yuletide. A foreign priestess Tove brought her holiday magic to Ahket and works towards her holiday all year round. During most of the year this temple is easily overlooked save for the foreign trees that are only kept alive by magic of the priestesses, but during the Yuletide season it comes to life as the center of the Nordic celebration in Ahket. During the Yuletide season the square is alive with glowing candles, sparkling ornaments, green decorations and magically created snow which dusts the area. Presents are given to all and uplifting carols are sung. There is feasting and merriment a plenty. For the majority of the year the priestesses prepare for their main holiday. Tending to the fruit growing trees, glassblowing ornaments with their kiln, crafting presents, candle making and trying new festive recipes. Some of the clergy will travel away from the temple on expeditions to bring back some much loved items of the yuletide such as cinnamon. There are herders who care for the small amount of goats and deer which roam the grounds. The interior of the temple has many rooms. The main cathedral hosts a shrine to Oden along with smaller shrines of other Nordic deities, while other rooms are dedicated to the yearly preparation for the holiday. Crafting rooms of varying types for presents, paper making and candles along with a huge kitchen for baking and an equally large larder to fill for the feasts. The high priestess Tove keeps the holiday spirit of giving and goodwill all the year which many find endearing. Prize: This square is mostly clear at the moment... most everyone and their animals have been moved inside for safety. You do spot a peasant hiding behind one of the trees and after you convince her you are not one of the monsters she comes out and joins you. Phoenix Stardancer
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:38:36 GMT -5
Entertainment DistrictAt night this district comes alive as sphinxes of all sorts flock to the busy streets to tavern hop, attend dances, plays, gamble or even to seek out friendly company in festhalls. When it comes to having a good time there is very little that you can't find here. During the day this district is comparatively quiet, often from workers sleeping off the long night, although some of the taverns are open and running through the daylight hours. (OOC: Festhall = typically dancing, drinking, shows, gambling and workers who offer company. Much like... 'Vegas in a building'.) Dance Hall/School: Dezhati's School of Dance * (Siopilos) The belly dancing school which is owned and operated by the exotic Dezhati not only provides belly dancing but a selection of cabaret shows and other such dancing entertainment during warmest and coldest nights of the year. It's entertainment year round! The establishment has a section for lounging with low tables and floor seating complete with a food service which also serves fantastic teas. The place is very expensive and is shows in the lush silks, pillows and vibrant paints made from quality pigments. Grand middle eastern themed archways, candles, vases and Persian rugs decorate the rooms. It is all open air with a covered 'indoor' area with archways that lead straight outside to the outdoors. Outside there are more pergolas where fine silks hang along with even more tables and pillows and a huge fountain pool. The entire experience is so luxurious that it attracts many nobles and dignitaries of all sorts who arrive to watch the performances while the sup on fine food. It's rumoured that Dezhati and her girls have a keen ear for local secrets. prize: an chaotically dancing Gloom Girl is being a menace at this establishment! You step in to give the staff a hand before things get out of hand... the Gloom Girl realizes she is outmatched and makes a break for it... but the staff offer some free dance lessons in thanks! dancer or belly dancer upgrade. tierasa Dance Hall: Silverlight DancehallThe foreign, other worldly sphinx Shalheira Fenthana, who claims to have been an elf from another world before she came to this one, bought an old dancehall and re-furbished it into the Silverlight. It's a place of delicate beauty with small, magical, twinkling lights, a band that plays instruments of a lilting, unearthly melody and graceful dancers. There are stage performances as well as open dance nights. Shalheira does give small, and dance lessons to those wishing to learn the bowing, twirling, sometimes leaping, and elegant dances that she knows from her world. prize: a local dancer is hiding out here! She came to see what she could learn from watching, but soon things in the city got out of hand she's been here ever since... you look like someone who can keep her safe though! a dancer tierasa Festhall: Mirthful MinA wide and two story high mud, brick and stone building has brightly painted images of the deity Min on the exterior and provocative paintings of him on the interior. It caters more to the simple sphinx who can afford simpler entertainment. There is usually a minstrel or two, decent beer, average but good food and friendly sphinxes. The owner Shoshan is an plain sphinx who wishes to provide entertainment for other low class sphinxes like himself. prize: Several of the workers here are huddled around an adorable panda, cooing and petting the tiny sweet thing! They don't know what it is, or where it came from but if you can take care of it, you are welcome to have it! tierasa Festhall: Needy ButterfliesThe beautifully painted building is surrounded by butterfly attracting flowers and nearly always has tiger butterflies fluttering pleasingly. The sphinxes who work at this festhall have a tiger striped theme to their appearance. Whether wearing clothing and ornaments of yellow, gold, orange and black there are the highly sought after workers who have tiger pelts. The most popular working sphinxes in this establishment wear beaded pectoral necklaces that display a tiger butterfly to better recognize them. The food served here is often either fruit itself or sweetly seasoned with fruit. The drinks are either water, the typical beer or sweet nectar juices. The proprietress Nepahpah (Flutter) has tiger fairy wings herself and is always on the lookout for tiger striped sphinxes to try and cajole into working for her. prize: several Oni set upon this place ready to cause some chaos... but quickly became enamoured by tasteful tiger stripe décor and quickly realized their mistake... this was their kind of place! They mostly just settled in, ordered some food and drinks! One of them was currently chatting with the proprietress, inquiring about a job! They are in a pretty good mood, and one of them even offers to meet up with you later! an oni tierasa Gambling: The Jackal's Tooth * (Sanguine Dragon) This saloon is a foreign concept to the sphinxes of Ahket . Playing cards are now all the rage, along with games such as 'roulette' and dice games like 'craps'. The futuristic alcohols, such as whiskey, also attracts patrons to this gambling hall. Jasper, a sphinx who travelled back in time during the great time anomaly some years ago has opened many sphinxes eyes to new concepts of gambling. prize: this place looks a little messed up at the moment, but there is nothing much to see here... though you do find a dice on the ground! tierasa Gambling: Paradise GardenA two story building that offers general gambling on the main floor and higher stakes on the upper floor. There are games of all sorts to do with dice, senet, hubem-how (throwing disks) and the newly introduced playing cards and lotteries. It's not uncommon to see patrons kissing icons and amulets they have brought along for good fortune. Alcohol in this establishment is inexpensive and plentiful. There are tough ex-soldiers working in this building to eject those who cause problems or have lost all of their coin. The owner, Bah, a priest of Shai the deity of fate runs this gambling den. It's said that he keeps a shrine of Shai in a back room and considers each win and loss to be 'fate' and an offering to his deity. prizes: This place seems to be overrun with Nebet's zombies! The owner nervously watches the chaos from outside and asks to you to a kind of scary job... could you break into her gambling hall, bypass the zombies and retrieve her treasures that are locked in the basement? She'll offer you a big cut! The player who found this spot must post a short RP post (a paragraph or so) about their heist and roll a d20 in the same post. If you roll anything except a natural one, you win a treasure chest item! If you roll a one you just barely escape but with no prize and you are to afraid to go back in... tierasa won a treasure chest! (Yay Magic Girl Power!) Inn: Tutu's RespiteLocated near the wall of the Noble District this comfortable, and large inn is typically a quieter place to stay in the entertainment district. It's comfortable enough for it's fair prices and offers rooms with wide, shuttered and closable windows to allow decent air flow for better sleeping. Nighttime entertainment is not allowed at this inn as the owner tries to keep it as a respite from the noise and bustle of this district. It may not have a tavern but offers a breakfast meal of bread, duck fat and dried fruits that comes with the cost of the room. (OOC note, duck fat was used in Egypt like butter is today.) The owner is a portly and jovial sphinx named Pa-du-isi who is happy to cater to his guests with simple services such as laundry or sending runners to fetch food from a favourite tavern... for a fair price of course. (OOC Tutu is the god of rest and protection of sleepers He looks like a sphinx.) prize: the staff of this place are currently doing their best to stop some sort of poltergeist like event! Laundry seems to be flying all over the place in great swirls, entangling all who get to close... it all seems fairly harmless but it is a distraction. You help gather up much flying clothing until there is next to nothing left in the air. The owners offer you a nice piece from the lost and found basket! a pair of stockings. tierasa Tavern: Sweet and SourThis tavern is enchanting, inviting and beautiful both inside and out. it gives of a pleasant attitude and feeling of home. It's a two story building of stone with pillar lifted balconies which look down upon the main floor. The walls are painted with Khemetic style sphinxes performing joyous activities such as dancing, playing music or drinking happily. The food is delicious but costly, and the drinks are plenty and very in quality and price. This tavern is most famous for being a favourite venue of the musician Bevin who sings with her angelic voice. The owner Anneke is very friendly and welcomes patrons in with a wink and a smile. Prize: one Anime Point. It seems some of Ranko's minions tried to make a scene here but have already been ensorcelled by the Bevin's bardic voice. Some of them are still dancing and a few are helping out with the bar duties. - tierasa Theatre: Theatre of Renpet Asaht This five story, immense stone building that opens into an ampetheatre is one of Ahket's oldest playhouses. It's built with many wide archways to better allow airflow keeping the viewers from overheating. Drinks are sold from simple clean water to more expensive pomegranate juice and wines, along with skewers of varying roasted meat and vegetables (typically goat with onions). Plays of nearly every sort has been performed in this theatre due to it's age and history. It's considered a hallmark of the entertainment district. The costs vary by the type of play and fame of the actors. A new troupe performing an unheard of play may be a simple coin or two, but well renowned actors can sometimes be unaffordable by the common folk. The building has changed hands many times over the years due to it's rumour of being haunted by the angry ghost of a dancer who tragically died over a century ago. (OOC Renpet Asaht = 'Many Years') prize: several actors are under assault from some sort of animated Kabuki mask. You step in to help rescue the dramatic players and in return they offer you your own fancy mask! A non cursed one of course... probably. Kabuki mask. tierasa
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:38:59 GMT -5
Docks (and slums)
The piers, warehouses and tenements make up most of this district and boasts having the lighthouse of Ahket. The docks are immersed in the sound of bells, seabirds and dockworkers along with the pungent smell of fish. It has a higher number of sphinxes in squalor or homelessness then any other part of Ahket. It's said that the Pharaoh has put some advisors into trying to find a way to alleviate the poverty of this district but they haven't come upon a good solution as of yet. Assassin's Guild Somewhere within the Dock district hides the nefarious Assassin's Guild of the Hand of Darkness. It's not known if it is stationary or moves yet if you are seeking out a contract with Azhadi or his followers the docks are the place to start looking. Prize: no prize, this place seems empty as if no one was ever here... Moonlit_Arcane Black MarketIt's said that there is a moving black market in the docks that only those 'in-the-know' have an idea where it will pop up next. Rumour has it that there you can find nearly any distasteful or illegal wares or contracts that are illegal within Ahket, along with it being an easy way to fence off stolen loot from tombs, homes or caravans. The black market is supposed to be a 'neutral ground' between the Hand of Darkness and Golden Paw since each needs it's commerce. In the past shadow wars have broken out over one trying to keep the other out until a contract was signed between the two guilds to keep the market neutral. prize: the black market seems to be one of the places still up and running at full capacity. Shop - you can purchase the following using Anime Points. You may purchase a limit of one of each item. - Wolfrysk HoD contract - 1 AP Thief or Sukeban job upgrade - 2 AP weapon - 1 AP Fish marketVendors calling out their wares, and the screeching cries of seabirds make this market a loud cacophony of sound.... not to mention the overpowering smell of fish. Long before dawn every day fish are pulled off of ships and sold in this market, both saltwater from the Mediterranean and freshwater fish from the Nile. It's best to get there pre-dawn to get the freshest catch Prize: a battle maid is patrolling this fairly empty area. occasionally she stops to select some still fresh ingredient and dutifully adding her payment to the missing owners money box... battle maid. wolfrysk Inn/Tavern: The Fantastic Pearl This comfortable Inn caters to the wealthier sailors and fishermen, notably captains and officers from the larger, foreign ships. It's made of stone and clay with hieroglyphic paintings of oceans, rivers, fish and fishermen brightly painted upon it's interior walls. It's extra decorated with hanging nets, spears, oars, ship wheels and other such waterfaring or fishing décor hanging upon it's walls. The tavern is full but quiet, a nice place for restful drinking after a long voyage. The rooms are comfortable and the choice ones have good views of the ocean. The owner Aba is a retired sailor who would travel to and from Greece. But he had to retire from that life and take over the family business after his parent's passed. prizes: The patrons of this Inn are fortifying the place and sharing arms. Several fishing spears are being upgraded into more dangerous Yari Spears, in the tradition of the warriors from Hanashima! Hotaru Inn: The Familiar ShipLocated near the pier in the North Eastern slums, this 'Inn' is more of a flophouse for common (ie. poor) sailors looking for a place to stay on shore leave. It has a common floor for patrons to lay down papyrus mats, bedrolls, or what have you to try and get a good night's rest. For a bit more coin there are shared common rooms with simple beds. There isn't a tavern per se, but there is a simple meal of watered down fish stew and beer for those paying to stay the night. The owner, a grizzled sphinx named Set-mena, posts a sphinx at night to keep an eye on those sleeping so they can at least rest without having to keep one eye open. prize: this place is mostly empty at the moment, with the exception of a nice looking, but empty, sake jug that you pick up for your collection. Moonlit_Arcane JailhouseThe jailhouse, located in the Slums, is heavily guarded and a place where sphinxes, who are not needed to stay in the palace dungeons, are put to work. It's heavily guarded and escapes are rare. prize: several guards are chasing around a small fennic fox. The creature is leading a merry chase and making a fool of the guards... and the cheers from the prisoners doesn't help their morale! It's only a small matter for you to help out and catch the fox for them, which they are happy to put in your charge. Dementia Lighthouse of AhketThe lighthouse of Ahket is a marvel in engineering since it existed before the arrival of foreign sphinxes with better skills in architecture. Standing tall it shines out a light over the ocean from sunset to sundown. It used to be lit by torches and brass mirrors but as of the last decade it's been magically enchanted to have lights that appear whenever it gets dark and even rotates the beam! Many a ship has been saved by the helpful glow of the lighthouse. Prizes: no prize. The city guard has this place on super lockdown. They explain that there has been several attempts by monsters or tricksters to take the lighthouse for some reason they don't know. But if the monsters want it so bad, best if they don't let them... Money LendersOnly the most desperate would deal with the money lenders of the Dock district. Not only do they charge a heavy interest but they are known to threaten, and even harm or 'disappear' sphinxes who don't repay their extortions. They seem to make most of their money from sphinxes who gamble in the Entertainment District. Prize: You see a couple of the local thugs searching an ally before moving on. As soon as they're gone a nervous peasant climbs out of a fish filled basket and promptly makes up a story about hiding from a weird fox monster... you can't tell if the lie is intentionally so bad as to be funny or not, but you figure you can give some better life direction to this Sphinx. a Sphinx - wolfrysk Nile PierThe public Nile Pier is located on the East side of the Dock District, near the Worker's District, on the river. Many fishing ship and some travelling ships enter and leave this pier all day to make their way up or down the Nile river. There are more docks on the river throughout Ahket, but many of those are privately owned. prize: It seems like nothing is going on here... but you do spot one of the runic symbols you've been looking for on a rock face near the edge of the water! Touching the Rune causes a great metallic cat to rise from the water and step onto land beside you! win 3 AP and the ability to play in the mecha cat fight. - Hotaru Ocean pierThe public Ocean Pier is locate right across the North of Ahket, including past the river Nile. Since the last decade it's been host to many more foreign ships then just the Grecian ones. Sailing ships with large wooden hulls and tall cloth sails and longships of the Nordic sphinxes docked beside Khemetic fellucca ships. Sometimes sphinxes will come down to the docks just to gawk at the mix of sailing vessels and to see if something new has arrived yet again. Prize: a lone Sphinx is lamenting missing their boat which can be seen just on the horizon fleeing the city. Just as the two of you are coming up with a plan to help them to their missed boat, huge tentacles grab the ship in the distance and shake it like a toy before pulling it under the sea... uhm, perhaps the Sphinx will join you instead, it sounds much safer! a Sphinx. wolfrysk OrphanageThe Ahket Orphanage is a dismal place. They have trouble making ends meet and do what they can to feed the number of orphans that wind up within their walls. The sphinxes who work there are mostly volunteers although some do make meager earnings through donations... often from the Temple of Hathor. it's heartbreaking to see the little faces of the cubs look longingly at those who pass by the building but few of the sphinxes who have the coin to take in children would visit this part of the city, which is the only place that the orphanage can afford to keep running. Prize: at first glance it seems like this place has been evacuated, but as you get close, several children in face paint and wielding improvised weapons leap from behind every tiny hiding place! "sorry, you look like a good guy" one of the apologises, before asking you to go because they've 'got things to do', while another mutters 'adults always just get in the way...' Huh. inspiring or frightening? who knows but you get an Anime Point for seeing this one! - aholland ShipyardThe shipyard is the place in Ahket where ships of all sorts are built and repaired. Mostly building fellucca ships but occasionally a foreign ship will be crafted. There are many skilled paws who offer their services at the docks, many Khemetic but as of the last while more and more sphinxes from other lands have been building and repairing their larger sailing caravels and galleons. prize: A great fire has started among the piles of logs and boards... things might have gotten out of hand if not for a kineticist channelling long streams of water directly from the ocean... you lend a hand and the two of you get things under control! Even though she is exhausted, the Sphinx will go with you to help. Moonlit_Arcane Shop: The Butchery ShopThe simply named shop is one of the best butchers in Ahket (perhaps 'the' best). Located in the docks they tend to have some of the first choice of imported stock from ships. Red meat and poultry of many types are cut, dried, salted and sold here. The owner, a large and muscular male sphinx named Hab, is desperately looking to hire a sphinx who has some means of creating cold since he has heard from northern travelers that freezing keeps the meat fresh longer. Prizes: triggers a game! an animated golem created from knives, cleavers and tenderizing hammers has broken out of this shop and is attacking a local Sphinx! Help her! The first person to find this spot may roll a d20 as often as you like in an effort to defeat this monster. As soon as you roll a 19 or 20 you are successful and win a Sphinx! If you ever roll a natural 1, you may keep rolling but, anyone else in this district may also start rolling as often they like in an attempt to help! The first person to roll the 19 or 20 wins the Sphinx. If this is not the person who searched this spot, they will instead win a weapon of their choice from the remnants of the golem. Moonlit_Arcane. Lamia defeats the monster after a looooooonnnnggg hard battle! phew! Moonlit_Arcane Shop: The Foreign FishmongerA dwarven sphinx named Lorgaen Kegtank has a miraculous fish shop! Somehow he brings in fresh saltwater fish from nearly any part of the world as if he caught it that very day. North or South, East or West it doesn't seem to matter as he seems able to supply such a vast amount that it keeps sphinxes returning to his shop after getting a taste of foreign fish. Due to the rarity of the type of fish he sells in Ahket it does carry quite a hefty price in coin. Rumour has it that when the portals first started to open in Ahket that a few opened in the docks where he quickly bought up the building. Those portals are said to go to a handful of coastal regions which is how he procures his fish. It's not known if it's true or not though, but it sound 'thruthy enough. Prize: To be Posted in this thread in just a moment! Hotaru Shop: Rosemary's LabRosemary's lair away from lair. Most of her time is spent in Lamoria, but she does run 'clinic's in town offering a variety of experimental makeovers which she truly enjoys... It providers a useful opportunity to meet Sphinxes who actually want her to experiment on them! They never even ask for the leftovers of these experiments back, sweetening the pot even more. The entrance of her Lab is surprisingly comfortable, with divans, (mostly) living plants and both tea and wine for her prospective guests. She used to have a very entertaining creation of hers interview the guests but in recent years she's been trying to flex her social skills at a friends suggestion. The previous host is still kept on ice just in case this new thing doesn't work out... Most Sphinxes have never seen any working part of her Lab, or at least don't remember seeing it... which is probably for the best. Prize: It seems like this shop is partially boarded up due to the wacky goings on. It looks like in the rush, a small case was dropped and is partially ajar... you check it and nearly drop it in recoil as it seems to have a pair of ears in it! When the fall to the ground though, the make a metallic thunk. A second look reveals the to be some sort of curious artificial ears... best not leave them on the street!. win a set of Android ears. (for an RP note you can use this on a female Egyptian Sphinx you own, who has ears to replace them with these robot ears! curiously they are self attaching, but irreversible as they grab right on, removing the previous ears and making themselves permanent!) - Wolfrysk Tavern: Crook and Flail Tavern * (Tierasa) Prize: Unfortunately this shop is currently closed up for the impending apocalypse. There is nothing to find here. - Wolfrysk Tavern: the Sea CowOwned and operated by a halfling sphinx named Dagaric Tunnelly it's a warm and comfortable tavern, welcoming, homey with a foreign feel and specializes in cheese. Cheese of all sorts can be tried here from the more common Egyptian tomb cheese to the rarer white cheese with holes it's often served with flatbreads, and for the more well off... wine. He is said to pay handsomely for a type of cheese that he's never tasted before. He keeps a cow out back that is milked daily and he makes his own cheese in his home which is just off of his tavern. Rumour has it that Dagaric is looking for a cow netjer to make his wife. prize: a pair of small fox have the owner of the sea cow and his cow cornered in the back pen... you arrive just in time to chase the foxes off! Dagaric offers you a free purin, a delightful new type of pudding he's recently learned how to make as a reward! purin pudding. hotaru13 Tavern: Sobek's PeaceLocated by the Nile Pier this tavern caters to river sailors who have returned form a harrowing day of avoiding crocodiles, or who are about to embark on a trip and wish to avoid them. The interior is decorated with old (and peeling) paint of the river and crocodiles with large, looming imagery of Sobek. Dried crocodiles hang from the ceiling as trophy large crocodile teeth and jaws are displayed on the walls. The drink here is passable, the food hearty and filling but the patrons are welcoming and friendly. The proprietress, the dragon tailed sphinx Kamas, struggles to make ends meet but loves her tavern and patrons. Prize: The tavern owner has been tending a curiously friendly dragon that wandered in but needs someone to take it off her hands... a dragon! Dementia
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:39:20 GMT -5
The Great Park of Khemet (town square)The Great Park is built around fabulous central fountain that is both beautiful and functional which is magically enchanted to constantly spout with fresh, clean water. Many of the cities Sphinxes gather their fresh water from the fountain or its decorative tributaries that meander through the other parts of the garden. Local and traditional plants and trees are the main focus of the garden, showing off all of the greatest or most symbolic of Khemet's fauna. Great palms, sycamore, acacia, pomegranate, carob, dom and dates all shade pathways and ornate pools. Symbolic papyrus, cornflowers, lotus, poppy and marshmallow are all represented along with dozens of others. There is the occasional gift to the city that ends up on the garden as well, such as and ancient lone cedar presented to a notable pharoah centuries ago which is kept alive by the gardeners skill or magic. There are many many places in the park to facilitate comfort and activity. Meditative winding paths, glorious displays of flowers, swaths of soft grass for picnicking and several comfortable stone features designed for perching and lounging in the sun. During holidays and festivals, vendors and buskers are allowed to use portions of the park to entertain the crowds! Some entertainers do also make a living in the park on off seasons and this is usually overlooked by the guard if they feel it's not interfering with peoples enjoyment of the setting. The Great Park of KhemetPrize: An old worn stone plaque set in the earth of one of the more overgrown garden areas has a familiar symbol. When you touch it, vines, branches and leaves peel back to reveal a hidden mecha cat! You win 3 AP and the opportunity to play in the mecha cat fight! - Dementia
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:39:37 GMT -5
Worker's District
All sorts of hard working businesses run from this part of the city. Commonly ones that would be too noisy, or pungent for other districts along with the offices and businesses that work with such trades. Some of the hardest working and most reliable sphinxes work and often reside within the district. The air is filled with the loud clangs of smithies, the chipping and chopping of builders and stonecutters along with the pungent, and sometimes unpleasant, scent breweries, launderers and fullers. Architect: Kames and FamilyThis business has very recently closed after meeting a terrible fate. While workers were out on the job in the desert they were hit by a' freak lightning storm' which left charred bodies and sand turned to fulgurite glass around the worksite. The main architects were lost in the accident and there were no survivors. Those who were not on the site have been unable to keep the business running so some have joined up with the former business rival 'Mesa Building and Designs'. Prize: A frightened peasant is hiding in this building. She tells you of the strangest parade of weird creatures that marched by recently... The empty building seemed to be a good place to shelter for a while, but traveling with you ought to be even safer! a Sphinx Moonlit_Arcane Architect: Mesa Building and DesignsAhket is at no loss of fine architects, but as of the last few years a new group has been up and rising. The architects are said to be from a similar culture from a different world and their designs and skills are very appropriate for Ahket but with more innovation. The true owner seems to keep more to the shadows and the architect in the front is a sphinx named Zalika who runs and operates the offices as well as organizing the workers. Recently Mesa Building has been taking on architects from other lands or worlds who have skill with foreign designs to offer more options to customers. Prize: One Anime Point. A blue draconic sphinx is perched on top of this boarded up building, casually breathing lightning upon any beastie who gets near and seems to be looking for trouble. Looks like she's got this. Moonlit_Arcane Brewery: Aset's BlessingThe sacred drink of Isis (otherwise known as Aset) is beer. It's the hearty drink of nearly every sphinx and worker, so needed that it's often part of the payment business owners give their workers. This brewery specializes in beer of all sorts from the thick, milly types to the fine and clear golden brews. A priestess of Isis comes by from time to time to bless every new batch of beer placed in the fermenting jugs. The owner Qeb has had this business in his family for many generations and claims to have perfected the brew for beer. prizes: During times like this everyone needed extra fortification to fight the chaos and literal monsters in the streets. Forgoing payment, the brewers of Aset's Blessing have set out to help by passing out free strong drinks to passing champions of the city. Operetta Clinic: Healing Paws * (Sanguine Dragon) The sphinx Niheberah runs this small clinic which specializes in first aid treatments and worker's injuries. She has paid runners kept at the ready to inform her of whenever there is an accident at one of the jobs so she can rush to bring her healing skills as quickly as possible. Many a life has been saved her her quick thinking and tending of wounds. Prizes: With all the action currently going on in the city, this place was hopping. While they were too overloaded to help you out and knew nothing of what you were seeking they could still offer you at least a bandaid, just in case! Operetta Inn: The Keen PickaxeA decent, but simple inn which mostly caters to travelers coming into Ahket looking for work in one of the trades. The rooms are inexpensive but not very comfortable with raised frame beds cushioned by simple papyrus mattresses. They do serve common fare for their patrons (and only for those staying at the inn) of beer, bread and a small serving of whatever meat of the day is (typically goat). The owner Het'aai purposefully keeps the inn simplistic since he hopes that the patrons find work, and their own accommodations. But he is happy to have long term guests as they search for work. prize: This building is covered in an odd glowing blue bubble... while there seems to be no way inside, there is a small goat wandering around inside the bubble seemingly the only occupant of this inn. While you ponder the situation the goat wanders towards you and hops right through the barrier. Huh? win a goat! operetta Leatherworkers: Urshu and IrinaUrshu has been the main leatherworker in Ahket for the last two decades and has reputably good and durable leather. He crafts these by using a mixture of cow urine, ash and salt rubbed into the skin. A few years back he took on an apprentice Irina Hallewell who was a foreign sphinx ranger who brought him a new way of preparing leather... tanning. After a short apprenticeship she became a full partner as the two of them work skins and leather as the prime leatherworkers in Ahket. Prizes: Misshapen fox Yokai of undetermined lineage is harassing the owners of this place! You assist the pair and between your skills and the rangers arrows the spirits dissipate in little bursts of ghostfire. The owners of the shop offer one of their finest and popular leather jackets! Operetta Miller: TahirahThe only mill house in Ahket has some of it's hardest workers. Typically a family mills it's own grains but the millers will do that tedious work for those who have the coin to pass the job along to them. Emmer, barley and millet are ground with stone rolling pins upon a quern, which is more dangerous then expected and can cause injuries if not done correctly. Tahirah is proud of her mill and workers who produce many containers of flour a day. Prize: Determined to not have their precious millstones turned into some rampaging monster, this place is on lockdown. A handsome Bull Netjer who had just started working at the mill is working hard to nail shut the upper windows but the owner asks him to help you all out instead, suggesting his muscles could be put to better use then being locked up with his dau.. err the miller's family. The Netjer is happy to help you out, while the millers daughter gives you a pout... a Bull Netjer Operetta School: Soft Sands * (Wolfrysk) Located in the northern part of the Workers District near the Docks/Slums lies Soft Sands, and establishment run by the magician Woserit. Soft Sands provides a place for the children of not only the workers, but the streets and slums of Khemet, to find both care and education without judgment for their circumstances. Woserit has even been known to take in orphans from time to time to raise as her own. Prize: An adorable tiny Sphinx child approaches you and asks if you would like a set of playing cards. Her innocent demeanour changes a little as she explains that she's gotten in trouble hustling card tricks at the docks again and she's not allowed to keep them... but couldn't throw them away. She figured gifting them would be the surest way to prove she was making amends. - operetta Shop: Durbak's Forge and SmithyThe dwarf sphinx Durbak is rumored to have once be one of the best smiths in his pre-Khemetic land and is believed to possibly be the best in Khemet. He had mentioned to have once smithed the most exquisite and magical of weapons and armor but doesn't wish to create them any longer. He seems to have some sort of 'chip on his shoulder' about it and grumbles when asked to forge such an item, possibly kicking the customer out of his smithy. Typically he has very fine work with the strongest of khopesh and breastplates to the best of simple blacksmithing items such as nails and tools. He has even brought in innovative skills from abroad and knows how to forge steel. Prize: as you get near the door of this shop a hammer crashes right through it and you barely dodge! "Whether you be fox or monster, begone or face me wall of weapons!" You quickly try to explain to the fluster dwarfish face through the hole... "Many apologies, but you shouldn't be sneaking up on a dwarf at times like this! Oh, and you can keep that hammer if you plan to use it on the invaders." win an Anime Point and a Hammer. + AP Operetta Shop: Epaphos the PotterThey say that Epaphos is the sphinx to see about everyday pottery of all sorts. His shop is filled from floor to ceiling with precariously, but assuredly safe, containers and dishware of all sorts. In the back he works his clay that he collects from the riverbed himself to spin and pinch nearly any pot or plate in the blink of an eye with expert skill. Prize: Trigger a game! The potter needs your help! A weirdly touchy ghost is haunting his clay spinning wheel and keeps knocking things over if not appeased. Please help him get rid of it! Simply post an image of a ghost and a second image of someone shooing something/someone away. You have 5 minutes from this edit. After 11:29 if there has been no attempt to help by the searcher, anyone in this district may post the same images to win the prize. The prize of this game is a Medium job upgrade voucher. wolfrysk got here first, and got rid of the ghost! Stable/Shop: Al'aydishida * (Wolfrysk) Located in the Workers District near the gate leading out of Khemet is Al'aydishida, a modest but impressive stable owned by a sphinx named Kesi who offers tame exotic and not so exotic animals to the public for both companionship and work. There is a focus of quality over quantity and animals from this particular shop are in high demand. Prize: Outside this shop you see a bright coloured bird that hops over to you as if both friendly and trained. You take it into the shop, thinking it may have escaped but the owner thanks you for your honesty but admits its not one of hers. The bird keeps following you as you leave! a bird wolfrysk Tavern: the Everfull CupThis is the most popular tavern in the workers district and is nearly always packed after sunset. It has alcohol aplenty, but mostly inexpensive beer. The place is fairly common and the reason for it's popularity isn't the establishment itself but the owner and patrons. The tavern keeper Heti is friendly, his daughters who serve the thirsty are beautiful and the tavern goers are fun, energetic and familiar with each other. The large main room is often filled with music as the drinking sphinxes pause to sing a merry song or two, sometimes accompanied by the double flute that one of that Heti's daughters plays. Prize: the regulars of this place have it pretty well locked down, including upturned tables and blocked off windows. They appreciate your offer to help but the are pretty confidant that they've got this... though there is one Sphinx who does want to get somewhere safer and would love to go with you! Tavern: the Red MoonTo put it bluntly, this place is a dive. The barkeeper Sebek'tetu is gruff and angry and the cups and dinnerware are filthy. The beer he serves seems to be of the most general variety, barely passable as beer, which comes in a clay mug that often still has a film on it. Fights break out frequently and the patrons are the sort who enjoy the violence that this tavern attracts. It's best to avoid this place unless you're looking for a vicious fight or want to catch some sort of sickness from the 'drinks'. Prize: one Anime Point. You were glad to be out of this place, but as you stepped onto the street you saw the end of an acrobatic fight. Two Sphinxes clad in head to paw leather, one all black, the other red with dots knock out an odd glowing blue Sphinx. The Blue Sphinx turns into a moth and flies off into the night and the vigilantes make tremendous leaps onto nearby rooftops and go dashing off. Exciting! Operetta
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:39:59 GMT -5
Gate District
Technically this is three small areas consisting of the city walls and a smattering of buildings touching the wall or built outside of the wall, near the three city gates. All of the gates offer free easy access to troughs of water for travelers and their mounts alike. BarracksSoldiers and guards of the city are offered free lodging in the barracks built into the city walls. Unless assigned to a specific garrison (below) staying at these barracks is optional for the cities protectors and some own private homes/apartments or stay at inns for the occasional retreat. Cleanliness and proper behavior are absolute requirements for this free lodging and any who break the rules suffer strict punishments. Basic, but healthy and decent food is also provided free to the guard and soldiers. Prize: no prize. this place is all but abandoned at the moment... this sort of city emergency is an all hands on deck sort of thing! Cryptic Garrison Several guards are stationed at each of the three gates at all times in rotating shifts. They monitor comings and goings and keep an eye out for any problems. prize: The guards are handing out weapons to all in need... but it seems like they are down to the odd bits by the time you get here! Cryptic Hyean's residency * (MA) Prize: No prize, this place is all locked up tight and there seems to be no activity here at them moment... Cryptic Inn/Tavern: The Left LionessThis inn and tavern is humble and warm and filled with the delectable scent of it's mouth-watering roasted meats. The bartender Amset tends to be busy but friendly as his lovely wife Ife tends to the customers. Soldiers and guards seem to love the tavern here and often pack into it's rooms and occupy many of the tables. There aren't many rooms here but they are comfortable enough and offered at a modest price. The owner brews his own popular alcohols and will not divulge the recipe to any. Prize: A tall vampiric Sphinx is creating chaos in this place, charming soldiers, making them fight and using swarms of bats to embattle everyone else. As you arrive and decide to help, a Battle Maid with a Vampire slaying silver sword tumbles into the room... The two of you manage to defeat the vampire, causing him to turn into mist and dissipate. The Innkeeper exclaims that they could really use a fine new maid and he looks at his wife who gives him a raised eyebrow... perhaps they didn't really need a new maid at the moment. She'd be happy to go search the city for monsters with you though! Cryptic
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:40:21 GMT -5
Foreign Quarter
There has always been a small amount of foreign sphinxes in the city of Ahket, but as of the last decade or so they have been arriving in what seems like droves. The few streets that had been set aside for the embassies has grown into a larger foreign section of the city. The small foreign streets has been spreading out form the small embassy roads and into the slums. As the foreign quarter grows larger year by year the sphinxes who have immigrated to Khemet have been fixing and re-furbishing their area of the city. Where once ramshackle tenements stood are now rows of re-built housing that better suits the sensibilities of those new to Khemet. Even though the city isn't divided into quarters as it was in the past, this area of Ahket is still referred to as a 'quarter'. It's a great place for the foreign sphinxes to feel more comfortable, or for Khemetic sphinxes to have a taste of distant lands. Either way this section is growing larger by the year making Ahket more and more diverse. Embassy - AtlantisFiguring out just what an embassy of Atlantis has fallen to a dolphin tailed psychic named Cerdanna. It was only a year ago that her people learned that there were other people who lived above the sea. So many Atlaneans wanted to see these other places and so many others wanted to see Atlantis there was a danger of loosing a whole culture to exploration... Information from the great libraries of Ahket were being crossed with the remnants of information from Atlantis to better explain many parts of all Sphinxes history creating a boom in world knowledge and history. So, all Cerdanna really has to do is make sure to keep her peoples culture, protect her cities exotic power source, work to stop the Serpent folk from annihilating her people and rewrite history. Oh, and be a diplomat. At least her psychic inclinations gave her insight into Sphinxes which helped her know who to trust and her regular mediations kept her steady. Being able to keep awake and alert for weeks on end was another invaluable psychic skill... Prize: A curiously disturbed looking Sphinx parades near the front of the Embassy wearing a sandwich board proclaiming it is the end of days. She has a basket filled with masks and offers you a fox mask to help disguise you from the invaders! Her last words to you are simply, 'do not be tempted to use this mask for dark ends... that would end badly!' - fox mask Moophles Embassy - GreekThe current ambassador of Phix, a Priestess of Aphrodite, is often more concerned with keeping 'good relations' with Khemet and other embassies. She is renowned for her beauty and seductive demeanor and most who try to visit with business often forget why they were there in the first place. There are several scholars who do the actual work around the embasy though, and those used to dealing with this embassy will forgo the ambassador and simply work their deals with them instead as they seem to have quite a network and decent political sway. There was a common perception that all dealings with the Greek lands seemed to favour the Greeks... Prize: You take in the strange sight of a group of tiny little misshapen humanoid monsters carrying away a bound Priestess of Aphrodite! You quickly intervene and chase off the little beasties. The grateful Priestess thanks you with a kiss (if it's ok with you!) and then asks you for a favor. If you could just check up on her sister she would be most grateful! She gives you address, just in case... You may choose to use your next search round to go to the address the Priestess gave you (not a regular option). - Ninjawoo Sister's House - You find the residence has a giant burning hole in the wall but your first fear is relieved by seeing a nervous looking Greek Sphinx peering out the hole nervously. After a brief introduction she admits that it seems much safer with you than even in what was left of her home... win a Greek Sphinx. ninjawoo! Embassy - LamoriaIt's difficult to keep up with the current ambassador of Lamoria as it seems to change often, with the previous staff simply having disappeared... Courtiers have a difficult time working with this embassy as well, as whoever currently runs the place often seems to represent a single land or faction of Lamoria making large trades and diplomacy near impossible. Prize: no prize. A vampiric Anubian Netjer only opens the door a crack to answer your knock. She assures you that she hasn't seen anything strange and that they have everything under control. The tiny specks of green blood on the side of her mouth seems suspicious, but forcing your way into an Embassy was probably all kinds of illegal. Dementia Embassy - STEAMA pair of very well spoken Sphinxes run this embassy! While the women seem almost like sisters, the suggestion usually just makes them laugh, but never really address the topic. They spend a good amount of their time ironing out 'mistakes' or 'accidents' concerning local STEAM crafters and engineers but they are quite silver tongued and well funded and can make up for any problem. Only the ambassadors here seem to know the routes of coming and going airships which makes them great arrangers of transportation of shipping to/from exotic locals. Prize: this area is patrolled by a flying (via jet pack) penguin. As nothing seems to be going on here, she offers to join you in your search. ninjawoo Festhall: Kin Sugi A newly opened teahouse in Ahket this curious, and large, Hanashiman building is made from wood and paper and hosts a large garden out the back. (Oddly, the building and gardens seemed to appear nearly overnight after the owner bought the empty lot.) The teahouse offers some of the most exotic oiran (courtesans), some even hailing for different countries and worlds which are not Hanashima. While this teahouse does serve tea, sake and fine food it also offers dancing and musical entertainment in the form of geisha and company with the oiran. Although there are common courtesans who work at Kin Sugi the higher class oiran need to be convinced over three nights to take you on as a patron, which can be quite costly. It's said that the most sought after and talented oiran could cost a peasant a year's wages for one night's company, that is not including the gifts that are expected for a patron to bring his oiran. Although, even if it is costly for all but the nobles the treatment they receive from the oiran is worth the price as they are trained in many different skills from conversation and musical skill to personal. These girl know how to win a sphinx over with a simple flutter of eyes. There is a rumour that the most valued of customers may have the chance to visit an extra, pocket dimension teahouse that is even more of a delight then what the typical sphinx experiences. It's proprietress is the phoenix tailed, Taiyu Oiran Tanoshii. Although she owns the teahouse itself she leaves the running of the business and booking clientele to one of the yarite who ironically work for her and not the other way around. She is renowned for the stunning and incredible time that she shows her patrons. prize: There is a basket of animal masks beside the door of this tea house and you are encouraged to pick one before entering! You choose a fox mask. The event inside was not what you were expecting and feel it might be better to continue your search elsewhere. Moophles Foreign marketWhen you need an out of the way ingredient or are craving something new, the Foreign market is there to provide. Sushi, Hakarl, Jellied Eels and deep water octopus can all be found on the same street, along with exotic spices, rare dried meat and vegetables and that's just the food. All manner of crafts may also be found, curved swords from Hanashiman, quality crossbows from Lamoria, oversized axes from Katterheim, coral tridents from Atlantis and much more can be found here! Nobles and Courtiers frequent this market looking for exotic gifts when they want to show off... Unlike the regular market, the Foreign market is much more variable in it's offerings, with may items only being availible while in stock, usually in limited numbers making it a regular stop for the discerning shopper. Recently a mystery merchant offered elaborate wooden weapons inlayed with shark teeth and obsidian, along with small carved statues created with exotic woods, which were a hit (mostly for courtier's decorating needs than as weapons) but they were only available for a week or so leaving late shoppers to lament missing the opportunity! Prize: Much of the market has cleared out due to some sort of incident... You do spot a dropped sack of gold and figure it'll just go to waste so you scoop it up. You also spot a nice rope just laying over a crashed cart with a broken chest that had a small grapple in it and pick them up as well, just in case. Leaving the other side of the market you eye some super nice blue cloth fluttering in the wind in danger of simply blowing away and think to rescue that as well. Free stuff is awesome you think, leaving the market, playing with your new stuff... Golden Paw Thief upgrade. ninjawoo Inn/Tavern: The Dazzling IntellectThis curious and wonderous tavern is waited on by the most interesting of things... clockwork sphinxes! The room is filled with the rythmatic tick-tocking as they click and walk from table to table. Somehow they seem to remember your orders and never fail to bring the right one to your table. The STEAM ship sphinx Lyra Hester created this tavern and she is very proud of it's success thus far. The food is fun with bread carved into cogs or twisted into wrenches or keys and finger foods of all sorts. The drinks are sweet, fanciful and colourful often served in tall glasses or the more whimsical alchemy beakers and vials. The rooms are even more impressive with piped in, steam heated water into deep bathtubs. Such an indulgence in the desert! The soaps are skin softening and have floral scents. The beds are stuffed with feathers and come with pillows, something not really seen in Ahket before STEAM arrived, and oh so very comfortable. The only problem is that it's difficult to sleep with all of the ticking of the clockworks and the hissing of steam. Well, that and the price is very steep, but worth it! prize: Behind this Inn, under a tarp and obscured by debris you find a mecha cat, just sitting in the alley! You win 3 AP and have the opportunity to participate in the mecha cat fight! - Moophles Inn/Tavern: the Lost ArgonautThe owner of this tavern, Jace, considers himself to be a diplomatic representative of Phix and always acts accordingly. He ensures that everything served is authentic and of the highest quality to create a perfect version of all that is good about his homeland. Varieties of olives, dolmades and feta are offered along side the ever popular baklava. The finest Greek wines in Ahket also are imported and sold through the Lost Argonaut! A pair of well behaved Satyrs work in the kitchen and quite renowned for their authentic food. Jace collects statues and artifacts concerning all things Greek, especially heroes, and displays these proudly around the tavern and Inn hallways. For unknown reasons, Amazons will never frequent this establishment... Prize: A Oni Student was at this tavern, using her time to draw images of some of the establishments artifacts for a school project when things started going wild. Several of the statues were turned into amorphous humanoids who capered around making strange noises. When the attacked the tavern's patrons with a peculiar martial art, the Oni stepped in quickly, knocking them all out, one after the other, with her schoolbag alone! You arrive, just as she finishes up with the last one. Your nod of approval seems to be enough to make her blush a bit and look a bit embarrassed in her modesty. She offers to join you looking for trouble! Oni Student. Rayvin_Kittiy Katterheim SquareRaucous and rowdy, the expats of Katterheim (and it's surrounding area) can be wild and boastful. Outside of the marketplace, it's one of the best spots to shop for exotics from around the world and many world travelers stay here. Mead, exotic pickled fish and exotic animal hides are a major draw, alongside other more extreme exotics such as giant animal bones and horns. It's not uncommon to stumble upon a spontaneous competition like racing or axe throwing, usually right in the streets with much cheering and mead! Occasionally a Yule Priestess can be convinced to work her magic and bring a little snow and cold air to the square, which becomes a wonderland for local Sphinxes, especially children. A common joke among residents is to comment on the weather... Prize: There is no prize here, but the locals are divvying up the bounty of their event. Some random beam from the sky hit a fish cart, which in turn made one of the live squids grow to a hundred times its normal size! Frosty magic, hurled axes and spears, and a peculiar Yule priestess who used cookies as shuriken all came together to take down the beast. Now there was calamari for everyone, yay! The thrown cookies are also free, but are non magical and taste a bit fishy. But still free! ninjawoo Lamoria CourtThis striking court is lined with decorative architecture that makes it stand out. Geometric patterns and window boxes make for a virtual trip to Lamoria! There are some craftspeople who specialize in unique areas, such as clockmakers, it is more commonly known among locals for its rich breads and fancy pies. Most of the Sphinxes who live in this area are friendly enough, but their superstitions are plain to see... Nearly every building seems somehow warded vs monsters or hexes or worse. Chains of garlic adorn doorways, strange marks are carved into archways, lines of salt can be found on window sills and many other stranger wards. One bad omen can put the whole neighborhood on edge! Prize: Just as you round the bend to this street you see a Ghostly Spirit charging in your direction. A determined looking Battle Maid with a huge axe calls for you to stop it before it gets away! Valiantly you leap in the Spirits way, but it charges right through you, leaving you chilled to the bone. The Battle Maid checks on you to make sure you are all right, stands you back up and dusts you off. She also offers to help your search, totally not because she is worried about your safety and wants to keep her eyes on you. Moophles Little HanashimaMany adventerous Sphinxes from the lands of Hanashima have newly settled in this area, opening business and shops to both enjoy some familiarity as well as temp locals with new and exciting things! Intricate woodwork, exceptional lacquered products, new types of papermaking and cuisine are just the beginning! Prize: This area is well protected by local Samurai, ninja, onmyoji and even some Magic Girls all ready to take on any Anime wackiness. The most recent was an Oni of some type who showed up and challenged locals to a potato eating contest. When he lost, he transformed into a large Tiger-Cow, stormed into a Diner and has been devouring one beef bowl after another... which he still politely paid for. One of the locals watching this with curiosity offers you a seat and buys you a bowl of Ramen. - ninjawoo Rani Corner With a safe route and increased sea travel, many Rani have been spreading out from their homeland to explore the world and Khemet seems to almost call to them. This spot is reserved for travelers to the city and is almost an unofficial village all on its own! There are few who stay here for long as most are just passing through... Prize: The locals here have trapped a fox that seemed to be up to no good... many had warding skills to see hidden monsters making IDing the minion easy. They ask you to please take it off of their hands. ninjawoo STEAM ship dockyardTo the locals of Ahket, this ship yard is known for weird noises, bizarre contraptions and eccentric Sphinxes. There is a post board here as well, which most often features notices to hire daring crew or list of odd ingredients and materials someone desires to purchase. For any Sphinxes on the edge of Steam technology, the dockyard is an oasis of mechanics, parts and information in the middle of a 'technological nowhere'. Prize: A proud Sphinx with clockwork wings and some sort of hammer attached to the tip of her tail hails you down and offers you an Umbrella! She is quite excited about a mechanism she built that makes it open with the click of a button, a tiny winding crank and a locking lever. Somehow it feels like more work, but you accept the gift gratefully. Moophles Shop: Leyla's Mystic Vardos Entering Leyla's Mystic Vardos is to be transported to another world. Spicy scents, colourful decorations and knickknacks fill the wagon in every nook and cranny. Many people visit here to have their futures read via crystal ball or tarot and locals swear by Leyla's skills. A couple of apprentices hone their skills on waiting customers with decently accurate paw readings. Prize: Leyla herself asks you to help a Sphinx who has been hiding under her Vardos. The poor peasant is terrified of 'moonbeams turning her into monsters'. A Sphinx - Moophles Shop: Psionic Paradisium * (Hotaru and Sanguine Dragon) A group of psychic sensitive sphinxes, mostly Atlantean, who own this shop boast a collection of varying psychic abilities and offer a remarkable number of services. Tarot reading, crystal ball gazing, reading tea leaves, speaking with the dead and other sorts of '-mancies' are within their repertoire. Their sensitive is said to be great at healing sphinxes find where they need to go to solve their problems. Prize: You encounter a group of psychic's talking about chasing off a Gloom Girl. One of them offers you a set of Tarot cards and says 'you know why...' ninjawoo Shop: The Dreamery Bookstore and Bakery * (Moophles) The bookish sphinx Rin runs this small, cozy establishment. When you enter the scent of old paper along with mouthwatering baking fills the air. It's a lovely place if you wish to purchase a book and sit down with a tasty treat to read in one of the provided chairs or couches. It's rumoured that Rin has a secret pocket dimension that leads to an even larger library, but he's not talking. Prize: Triggers a game! a Netjer Courtier is exiting the building as a nearby city guard is suddenly enveloped in a pale white glow, transforming him into a squat tentacle monster... who goes on a rampage, lashing out at the poor Netjer! Anyone in this district may roll a free dice (D20) once per search round (The person who searched this area may roll on the first round, including the bonus rolls if chosen. Anyone in the district may roll on the next search round, same rules.), and the first to roll a 17 or higher defeats the monster and wins the Netjer! Please use the code phrase with your dice rolls of "Dreamery Heroism!" Once per round, you may declare you are giving up your next search round to roll three more times in three different posts! (Anyone may move to this district to participate, using the normal rules.) - Moophles got here first, and defeated the monster after a hard battle! won by Moophles! Tavern: The Rani's WheelThe rich savory stews and roasted meats of The Rani's Wheel are very popular and help wet the appetite for the exotic and foreign liqueurs that they are know for. Small batches of these exotic drinks are often quite limited so you must try it when you can... though there is often new drinks to sample in an ever revolving drink menu. There are frequent spontaneous lively dancing and singing performances that are very popular! A donation can also get you a dance or musical number to your preference. Prize: A starry eyed and nervous Rani Sphinx pleads with you do take his prized guitar. He looks overjoyed when you accept and with a sigh of relieve walks away, muttering something about a curse being lifted... Moophles Tavern: Skol! Run by an adventurous viking named Skarde who came to Ahket on a trading mission. His love of Khemet's dancers may be what kept him in the city, but his commitment to the food and drink of his homeland is what makes this meadhall/tavern unique and draw in the locals. The beers of Katterheim are strong and clear, very different than the local brews and are not particularly popular, though they have a some niche fans. It's the sweet mead that is really what brings the locals though! Everything here is a bit expensive, but not excessively so and by no reason will Skarde let anyone think he's overcharging. It simply that many of the ingredients are themselves quite pricey and he will not switch his recipes because that would diminish it's uniqueness and lose that Katterheim something... He is also known to have a week long party and sale during Yule where he virtually gives away his finest foods and drinks to any who cannot pay. Prize: You find one of the Imperial Samurai taking a break and enjoying some mead... things have been difficult since so many of their companions turned out to be fox minions in disguise... imperial Samurai Cryptic Theatre: Murakawa-Za * (Tierasa) A traditional kabuki theater located in the Foreign Quarter of Ahket produces a wide variety of dramas with an all male cast. The plays on offer change depending on the success of the performance and range from history to love suicides. Some of the plays can even be quite bawdy. The theater boasts multiple floors including private boxes for viewing the performances or you can find a seat closer to the stage along the hanamichi to get better looks at the actors themselves. The theater's onnagata, Momo, is not a sight to be missed. He is well-known for his beauty and grace and is said to be able to rival any woman. With elaborate sets and even more elaborate costumes, the Murakawa-za is a great way to spend an evening out of the heat, enjoy some sake, and immerse yourself in its unique brand of Japanese culture prize: it seems the actors and staff have wisely taken shelter or are simply elsewhere. There does seem to have been a scuffle though, and there is a naginata laying on the ground! ninjawoo
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 15:40:43 GMT -5
Just Outside the GatesfarmsGrain farms along the river are make up the majority of the cities farms and the grains grown here are the basis for all staples in much of Khemet. There are many other foods grown here as well, simply not in the numbers of grains... Vegetables of all types, with onions, lettuce and various legumes being the most popular are grown along with a variety of fruits and nuts. While there are some large orchards, many trees are planted wherever they will take among golden fields of wheat and along pathways to create shade for workers. Specialty trees of value are often guarded around the clock, such as cinnamon and olive trees, or pistachio bushes. Often in areas where the soil is not quite good enough for grains, huge swaths of papyrus can be found. Prize: Hiding in the grass is some friendly bees? win bees! Cameron Ranch: Epona's Ranch * (MA) Located outside the gates and situated right beside the Nile the sphinx Epona has her ranch and stables. It's a simple place but well known for it's milk and crafted wares. Some say that she knows the heart of her animals and it's why she can sometimes be heard playing the reedgreass to some of the animals in her care. The sphinx Venus sometimes makes her home there and helps Epona with the ranch. It's said that there may be magic at work within the gates of this ranch and even whispered that there are some innovations within that are similar to those from STEAM. Prize: no prize, the place seems mostly quiet at the moment. stablesMany of the cities work horses are kept near the city wall for quick deployment and routine patrols. Several contingents of solders also take longer journeys patrolling the roads leading to other cities in the kingdom and often use these stables to trade for fresh horses. Prize: You find a peasant Sphinx hiding with some of the horses, trying to keep away from the wild goings on. a Sphinx aholland pyramidsThe ancient pyramids outside of the city are known to be tombs, but they are so very ancient no one knows any more than that. They are considered sacred or taboo and no one goes near them with the exception of visitors to the city who wish to marvel at their scale and beauty. That and tomb robbers probably got all the good stuff long ago... Prize: a modern Sphinx (just a tourist oblivious to the chaos) aholland Great Sphinx Horemahket Several small buildings and a fortified guard station have been build near the Great Sphinx after the discovery of the vast library and portals to Atlantis discovered within! Currently you need special permission to visit or use either. Prize: you briefly see a Magician run away from a large two tailed fox, before he teleports away in a burst of sand. The fox leaps at the Magician as he is vanishing and disappears as well. Left behind in the sand is curious book. When you pick it up, you feel the book is magical and will bestow a gift upon whoever opens it. (when attached, it adds the book as well as an elemental effect at random.) aholland
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 7, 2021 16:15:46 GMT -5
You may begin your intro posts and search posts at any time.