Post by PookaWitch on Jun 22, 2017 12:42:28 GMT -5
I did the Pottermore quizes. ^_^
MY PATRONUS : Deerhound (cool!) MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Ravenclaw MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Pukwudgie (neat!) MY WAND : Maple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ½" and surprisingly swishy flexibility
Post by Angel_of_Music on Jun 22, 2017 13:15:26 GMT -5
Pottermore, which I've been on since it started My Patronus: Wildcat My Hogwarts house: Gryffindor My Ilvermorny house: Wampus(do you see a theme here?)) My wand: Yew wood with a Unicorn hair core 10 ¾" and Slightly Springy flexibility
Post by Mickeyymouse on Jun 22, 2017 13:35:53 GMT -5
Woops, I posted the link and not my results XD
Patronus: Dapple Gray Stallion Hogwarts House: Slytherin Ilvermorney house: Wampus Wand: Poplar wood, Dragon heartstring core, 13" in length, Unyielding flexibility.
Post by Sweetintoxikation on Jun 22, 2017 13:37:25 GMT -5
Finally signed up and did this myself, now, over coffee. SOME things were.. surprising. I'll let you all decide which was which MY PATRONUS : Scops Owl MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Hufflepuff MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Wampus MY WAND : Blackthorn wood with a unicorn hair core; 11" and slightly yielding flexibility
Post by PookaWitch on Jun 22, 2017 14:03:02 GMT -5
It's starting to look like I'm the only Pukwudgie. O.o I liked it a lot though, heart, emotional and healing. ^_^
Post by Sweetintoxikation on Jun 22, 2017 14:06:45 GMT -5
I don't understand how I got Wampus.. XD BUT those quizzes were fun to do. And my cousin Matty will be asking me ALL about this when I see him I bet. The dork. XD
When we talk it's always HP or Pokemon. >.> We're never gonna grow up. I should just fly off to neverland. <3
Post by Operetta on Jun 22, 2017 14:08:45 GMT -5
*wonders if she can remember her login info to get her quiz results*
Post by Mickeyymouse on Jun 22, 2017 14:15:55 GMT -5
Haha, I almost wish I got Pukwudgie or Horned Serpent. My results all tend to make look pretty heartless XD True Neutral, Slytherin, Unyeilding flexibility etc etc. haha. I do like the idea of a six legged panther though, and I do also love Slytherin so..... It's just the conglomeration of them all that makes me feel like I look bad, haha. As bad as online quizzes can make you look anyway
Post by Operetta on Jun 22, 2017 14:40:23 GMT -5
Ah, I did remember!
MY PATRONUS : Manx Cat MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Slytherin MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Thunderbird MY WAND : Sycamore wood with a Dragon heartstring core 11 ½" and Hard flexibility
Post by Angel_of_Music on Jun 22, 2017 21:40:13 GMT -5
I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter *taps foot and holds on to her four wands*
Post by kaats711 on Jun 23, 2017 9:03:20 GMT -5
MY PATRONUS : Badger (not sure how I feel about this >.>) MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Ravenclaw MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Pukwudgie (neat!) MY WAND : Pear wood with a Dragon heartstring core 13 ¼" and Reasonably Supple flexibility
Post by Angel_of_Music on Jun 23, 2017 14:21:11 GMT -5
In honor of Pirates vs Ninjas day....I give you this. Enjoy
Post by emerlee on Jun 23, 2017 18:25:12 GMT -5
OOO love Pottermore!!
MY PATRONUS : Tonkinese Cat MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Gryffindor MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Thunderbird MY WAND : Dogwood wood with a Unicorn hair core 9 ½" and Supple flexibility
Post by Phoenix Stardancer on Jun 23, 2017 18:38:31 GMT -5
I finally did the Pottermor thingy
Patronus: Greyhound Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie Wand:Pear wood with Dragon heartstring core 12 1/2" and Pliant flexibility
Post by lectral on Jun 23, 2017 21:40:21 GMT -5
O.o I just used Pottermore a couple months ago, made a new account as my old one was on the old version and I couldn't reactivate it for some reason.... and now it is telling me the email I used for this version is not registered
Edit: even more random... I use my other email (which I don't Pottermore emails on), and get in >.>
MY PATRONUS : Wood mouse MY HOGWARTS HOUSE : Ravenclaw MY ILVERMORNY HOUSE : Pukwudgie MY WAND : Apple wood with a Dragon heartstring core 9 ¾" and Surprisingly Swishy flexibility